Portrait of Peter

Wow, this is very good. Your shading is great as usual, I dont think theres anything wrong with the right side of the chin. The only thing that looks slightly off is his left arm (our right) is a little too high compared to his neck and head. The right arm is lower than the rest of his body indicating that hes leaning over to his right side, but his head is completely straight making it look a bit awkward. Could you post the original picture so I can see what you used for reference? It looks really great though.
I dont think theres anything wrong with the right side of the chin.

First of all - I know how much it hurts to have other people discuss you work, so please accept my apology for our scrutiny.
With that said, I think the chin looks blurry and unfinished, what with all those shades of grey appearing so close to eachother. And perhaps his shirt could do with a darkening too.
Just suggesting improvements here. It's already very good.
killer ....!!!.....very very nice......thats all i can say....that is jsut beautiufl....amazing skills u have...keep drawing...!!!..Keep rockin...PEAC EOUT
That is the reference I used:


Thank you all for your criticism (and compliments!). I know that this drawing is not completely finished (and really not perfect! there's not a big likeness I think). I wanted to do it as fast as possible but I also have my exams in some days... and I don't want to fail!! I'll post another version after that.

The next drawing will be Lopez certainly (cause he's really the best! he deserves a drawing!), then Per. You will have to wait a little if you want some drawings of Axe and Fredrik!

Thank you again :)
Very good work - not to sound rude, but to me.. It is ever so slightly off.. As in, there is something small that doesn't look quite right.. But that's not to say it's a bad picture - i can tell who it is, and it is still a brilliant piece of work... It's like 99% there.. Just.. I don't know.

But yes - well done!
That is the reference I used:


Thank you all for your criticism (and compliments!). I know that this drawing is not completely finished (and really not perfect! there's not a big likeness I think). I wanted to do it as fast as possible but I also have my exams in some days... and I don't want to fail!! I'll post another version after that.

The next drawing will be Lopez certainly (cause he's really the best! he deserves a drawing!), then Per. You will have to wait a little if you want some drawings of Axe and Fredrik!

Thank you again :)

Ah.. just read this.. That might explain what i thought about it. It is definitely a great drawing though. There is definitely a good likeness, but as you said it's not perfect... Yet. :)