PoS - Scarsick samples!

I had sent you a PM right after you did the post too, don't know if you received it.

J-Dub can supply the goods though. He's a bigger Gildenlow fan than I am.

Happy thanksgiving everyone!


Breaking News: Pain of Salvation mainman Daniel Gildenlow annouces new direction for live shows, cites Dragonforce influence.
Sort of, but seriously, I WILL listen to the entire release when it comes out,
and form my opinion based on what I hear. I doubt they're going to "wow" me, but I can't mouth off about stuff unless I've actually heard it, can I?
Me too. Working on it, but, once again, gotta admit, it's WORK. Not happening for me w/da clips. Maybe I'll have a revelation with the full cd, or maybe I'll start smoking ganja again. Neither is likely.