Possible Reunion with Joey?

If it happens, cool, if it doesn't I'd be just as content.
I prefer Bush over Belladonna but have to admit I miss the good ole days from time to time and it would be awesome (for me) to see them back togather for a little while.
1:30 a.m.: Last call, I cram in a car with Don, Jim, and one of their friends to finish the party out over at Vinnie's house. We arrive, Rita shows us to the bar, and I commence to go talk drum shit with Mike from DROWNING POOL and my good bud Charlie Benante (yes, there IS going to be a reunion tour w/ Joey — shhhh). Jim had to get to the airport so we stayed 'till about 5 or so... but before leaving I talked with Rita (who seems to be doing really well right now) for awhile about the fact that Dime really liked our band, and really had a great time (Vinnie told me the same) on what turned out to be this final run, I told her I was flattered about the cymbal, and she said 'It meant a lot to him' — still in shock over that!! She also said the 'he adored Jon' so that was really nice too!
I have seen this "reunion" thing coming since the release of TGOTE and I think it is fine as Anthrax was my favourite band back in the late Eighties/early Nineties when Joey was singing. I thought that the band had found a very unique style on POT (including the vocals) and was a little disappointed when I heard that they had changed their singer. I mean, no one doubts that John Bush is a Metal legend due to his time with Armoured Saint and TSOWN for sure is a good album - but for me (and nearly all other "old" fans I know) this somewhat grungy-type stuff just wasn´t Anthrax anymore. I went on to Death Metal, Grindcore and Black Metal and nearly forgot about them though I read about a new Anthrax album and heard one of their tunes from time to time. The only thing that caught my attention was the re-recording of their old songs... To make a long story short: If there happens to be one of these shows in Austria (I personally doubt it), I will be there - and I will immediately start looking for my old yellow-pink-and-green bermuda shorts.
burymeinsmoke said:

Give me a fucking break. I've been a fan forever and love the old Joey stuff, but this is fucking Sell-Out city. John is the singer, John is the best singer, and John should tell these guys to kiss his ass.

Unless I'm totally off base here, nobody knows who in the fuck Joey Belladonna is anymore except for the people on this board, and the rest are too old too care! If they think this is going to be some huge tour or something, they are out of their minds. This is a bad move in my opinion.

Sorry if this sounds rough, but I've got to be frank. They'll still be one of my favorite bands, but this stinks to high heaven. I feel bad for Bush more than anybody else. He can play it off for the media, but I'd be seriously pissed if I was in his shoes.
Rozy157 said:
Give me a fucking break. I've been a fan forever and love the old Joey stuff, but this is fucking Sell-Out city. John is the singer, John is the best singer, and John should tell these guys to kiss his ass.

Unless I'm totally off base here, nobody knows who in the fuck Joey Belladonna is anymore except for the people on this board, and the rest are too old too care! If they think this is going to be some huge tour or something, they are out of their minds. This is a bad move in my opinion.

Sorry if this sounds rough, but I've got to be frank. They'll still be one of my favorite bands, but this stinks to high heaven. I feel bad for Bush more than anybody else. He can play it off for the media, but I'd be seriously pissed if I was in his shoes.
Exactly! Can I sign under this too?:worship:
Yeah I don't know man. I mean who didn't love 80's Anthrax. But I really love the Bush thrax now. I mean it would be interesting to hear Anthrax with Joey again....Well what does he sound like these days? Anyone? Does he sing differently or is it the same style.
I got to tall ya. I went to see Joey play a gig about a month or two ago. I'm a bit of a sceptic so I wanted to see if he could still pull it off especially playing drums while singing. He sounded great, lookes great and was a very nice guy.
If they do this reunion tour I hope its just for shits and giggles. A few shows and thats it. I really doubt this will be a money making tour for the band. IF Anthrax took back Joey as their lead vocalist permanantly I doubt it will go over well with most fans. Unless Bush quits on his own accord I don't want to see this as a permanent change.
What I think would kick ass is if they both became the permanent singer for this band. As long as everybody keeps there ego's in check this would be awesome. If hardcore bands can do it why not a real metal band like Anthrax.