post a pic

Some of what who's having Tee?

@Idari: But you're not sure? If you hated the song that you did hear so much, you would think you'd remember it. So did you waste your time and bandwidth getting it or not? (ie: Does it suck?)


In flames anyone?
Spike said:
@Idari: But you're not sure? If you hated the song that you did hear so much, you would think you'd remember it. So did you waste your time and bandwidth getting it or not? (ie: Does it suck?)
Woah, you called me idari :zombie: I didn't really pay attention to the song, i just went "wtf, THIS is Prodigy? well they've sure changed.." But if Girls is the new hit then that's what i heard, yes. It doesn't suck though :p

@Santtu: Sometimes if I am not thinking so much I call you idari on UM, simply cos I assume people won't know who I am refering to if I use another name.

Giant dickhead anyone? :rolleyes: (He was cool though)
Most yes. Not all. That's why I only do it sometimes when I 'slip'. Besides, I'm having a lil trouble thinking straight now anyway.
Oh c'mon Su. Now that's just LAZY! :Smug:

Let's hear it for the drummer, he rawked my sawks too!
I wouldn't say that out loud in front of you know who (su). She'll rescing your b-day hug. :erk:

Speaking of which, happy birthday dude. :) *Birthday Hug*

Anyway, this line of conversation is about ot hit a dead end, so I'm going to bed. Goodnight all. :wave:
WOAH, nice one Spikkeli :o

*clears throat*


and i love his name :')
:waah:<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 (stupid UM said that i'd included too many smilies :$)

ps. Dani's piercing rules.
pps. I can't find a flower in Tuomas' tattoo.
idari said:
5. Kyllä me ollaan varmasti tehty kaikki mitä voit kuvitella, voivoi jos se haittaa sua :)
6. Me ollaan normaaleja, koska meidän ikäero ei ole tarpeeks iso että se tekis Lassesta pedofiilin.

edit: Lol, that incest thing still makes me laugh. You'd think that a brain could fit in a forehead that big..
Insesti esimerkiksi Suomessa tarkoittaa sukurutsauksen lisäksi m y ö s sukupuolisuhdetta nuoreen henkilöön, riippuen toisen osapuolen iästä. Tässä tapauksessa suhdetta teiniin.

:lol: Nice that you keep going back to the superficial issues like foreheads. Grow up, princess.

I couldn't care less what you two do together. My eyes were wide opened last year because of several reasons and I feel sorry for you and Lasse. Actually only for Lasse because he used to be my friend and I don't hold grudges against him. I hope he won't burn more bridges nor wings.

Suomeksi: Ei liene kovin hyvää mainetta 24-vuotiaalle miehelle olla suhteessa 17-vuotiaan tytön kanssa, vuosi sitten vuotta nuoremman. Mutta mikäs siinä, laki ei sitä kiellä. Lasse vaan itse pyrkii näköjään "unohtavan" asian vaikka kaikkihan sen näkee ja idari lähinnä taitaa tuoda asiaa esille. Miksi siis peitellä, jos kaikki on Lassenkin mielestä ok?
Lolita Vampiriá said:
Insesti esimerkiksi Suomessa tarkoittaa sukurutsauksen lisäksi m y ö s sukupuolisuhdetta nuoreen henkilöön, riippuen toisen osapuolen iästä. Tässä tapauksessa suhdetta teiniin.

:lol: Nice that you keep going back to the superficial issues like foreheads. Grow up, princess.

I couldn't care less what you two do together. My eyes were wide opened last year because of several reasons and I feel sorry for you and Lasse. Actually only for Lasse because he used to be my friend and I don't hold grudges against him. I hope he won't burn more bridges nor wings.

Suomeksi: Ei liene kovin hyvää mainetta 24-vuotiaalle miehelle olla suhteessa 17-vuotiaan tytön kanssa, vuosi sitten vuotta nuoremman. Mutta mikäs siinä, laki ei sitä kiellä. Lasse vaan itse pyrkii näköjään "unohtavan" asian vaikka kaikkihan sen näkee ja idari lähinnä taitaa tuoda asiaa esille. Miksi siis peitellä, jos kaikki on Lassenkin mielestä ok?
"Grow up"? YOU are telling me to grow up? lmfao. A 31 year old who's got pics of her ass in irc-galleria :lol: At least i really AM a teenager, not a 31 year old trying desperately to be a teenager. *chokes on her own saliva*

Well i just had to mention it since my friend almost pissed her pants when she saw your forehead, sorry :p

Good, if you couldn't care less then i sure hope you'll mind your own business in the future :) Gladly you weren't the only one whose eyes were opened last year..So were Lasse's, he realised what a moron you are and stopped being your friend :D

Maine? Kaikki ei välttämättä välitä mitä muut ajattelee. Jos jollain on joku ongelma niin ei voi mitään, se on nimenomaan HÄNEN ongelmansa, ei meidän.
Eikä me mitään peitellä, kaikkihan tästä tietää.

@ the pic: woah, that girl's got thick hair :O
Hearse said:
haha the drummer was so gay :p
I mean.. come on he was even more "theatrical" than 69 drummer :p (in a bad way)
though he played pretty good, but it sure looked silly while playing :p :grin:
That was kinda the point! :p And he wasn't gay, he was 'happy'. :rolleyes: Something you don't see too often in a drummer.


@Su: Can you do me a favour? In future you may want to try and completely ignore anything Lolita has to say to/about you. Better yet block her on UM. It's for your own good.