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Spike said:
That was kinda the point! :p And he wasn't gay, he was 'happy'. :rolleyes: Something you don't see too often in a drummer.
Dani is always happy, and he always smiles while playing :') teh c00te. His piercing pwns the whole world.
Happy does not equal gay though :p

Spike said:
@Su: Can you do me a favour? In future you may want to try and completely ignore anything Lolita has to say to/about you. Better yet block her on UM. It's for your own good.
I would have if Lasse hadn't started arguing with her. I was actually nice to her at some point, when she kept her comments about me and Lasse to herself.
The only thing why I asked those questions is that I am concerned about Lasse's wellbeing, believe it or not, maybe he thinks otherwise but there are people who are talking things behind his back because of dating an underaged girl. Personally I don't care who's fucking with who like I have said numerous times before. It's also annyoing hearing those gossips and laughing at a person I once liked. That's all. Nothing more.
idari: you were 16 a year ago when the charade between you two started and your throwing shit at me for no reason at all. I could have let it be - but I reckon, my toleration level was exceeded too many times and I got pissed off. Now it's all the same what you say or do.

And about my age that you commented on: I will never be like "the conservative 30 year old secretary -type of a person", I live my life the way I want to and I am happy as it is.
Well there were other people involved too than you on at least msn-messenger and on Um so it was a matter of some other people's lives and minds too.

My apologies to Lasse however and this will end on my behalf now.
catfight catfight catfight.. and i'll give you some raisins.. :OMG: :dopey: o_O :Smokedev: :lol:
meh no wrestle.. :oops: :tickled:
perkele.. sormet poikki ja voita väliin sitten.. ;)
Destroyer Of Orden said:
Dear God... it's the return of Carrot Top!!!
You know, that's EXACTLY what I thought the first time I saw him! :lol:

idari said:
Dani is always happy, and he always smiles while playing :') teh c00te. His piercing pwns the whole world.
a) What piercing? Where?


idari said:
I would have if Lasse hadn't started arguing with her. I was actually nice to her at some point, when she kept her comments about me and Lasse to herself.
b) I hear Lasse's a big boy now, I'm sure he can look after himself. :rolleyes: (If for some strange reason you feel a need to reply to the 2nd point, save it for MSN please. Certain people have been caused enough grief as it is)
Spike said:
a) What piercing? Where?
He's got a cock piercing :p

........Though i was talking about his lip piercing there.

Spike said:
b) I hear Lasse's a big boy now, I'm sure he can look after himself. :rolleyes: (If for some strange reason you feel a need to reply to the 2nd point, save it for MSN please. Certain people have been caused enough grief as it is)
If you mean Lolita, there is no such thing as 'enough grief' in the world when it comes to her :p
Wow.. I was just immersed in a world of I have no idea what the fuck that was.. good morning! I should be at work right now, but my boss has mysteriously vanished.. hmm odd