Post a picture of your favorite rpg and a brief explanation

i remember fighting some crazy shit in mario rpg. love the power ranger bad guys, and that ultra hard challenge of those 5 guys in that secret room. if you beat them you get final fantasy victory music.

and fuck getting the jumping shoes. that was rediculous.

with all the success of that game i wonder why a sequel was never made. nintendo whores mario out

Nintendo lost some kind of rights from one of the company's involved with making Mario RPG.

I have to find the story, but Paper Mario was the sequel to Mario RPG.


And a horrible sequel it was...

My only memory of Paper Mario was cheering on my friend while he was playing it.

Of course we were all probably drunk and the small room was cramped with about 20 people all huddled at the tv.

and I forgot a description of Chrono Trigger.

So why do I love it? Well, it has a lot of almost everything. Time travel; medieval times, present time, a cold distant future, a prehistoric past, and a magical kingdom of WTF.

Plus Magus=<3
and then they made the Mario & Luigi game on the GBA and Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time on the DS which is most excellent. So, the legacy lives on, suckas.

Although last I heard an "official" sequel was possibly in the works by Square.
Haha, when this thread is the most recently posted in on the board and you're in the lobby area...

It reads....

Post a picture of your...

I was like:zombie:

This is my favorite old school RPG, it was for the sega, it was the first and one of the only to not limit your characters to only a few, i think you could have 12 on screen and left over reserves. and was one of the first and only games where terrain came into play in combat strategy. i would fucking LOVE if they made a high powered version of this game with the same principles. the storyline was cheesy, but what RPG isn't? and after you go through the first time it's irrelevant anyway.


honestly i fucking hate futuristic style RPGs but this one cut the mustard, and i'm not sure why, it was just fun and that's all i can say about it.


most people like FFVII so i won't say much, but the materia system did it for me. i liked to be able to customize and shit i guess.
But really though one of my Favorite games was:


I had a blast playing that game back in the day.

However the one game that hold up the most for me, Game play and Storywise vvvv

I guess it's technically an RPG. Brings back ALOT of memories. It had a pretty compelling storyline too.


I used to jet home every day from summer school to play this.


I could play this over and over again.