Post a picture of your favorite rpg and a brief explanation

I couldn't get into 8 at all. Haven't played any of them since.
Neither have I. Especially since the faggots didn't even port them to PC anymore.


Garnet with long hair > Rinoa > Tifa > Aries
If we must include FFVIII, Quistis > Rinoa.

Also, Advent Children Tifa > Advent Children Aeris >>>> Quistis > Rinoa
Lost Odyssey is pretty damn good.

And I'm also one of those people that prefers FFVIII to VII.
okay, I came in late (again), and have a LOT of repeats, but here's my list (oh, and Det Som - I may be able to get you a copy of Planescape if'n you want it. I think I may have a spare copy laying around somewhere.)

All time #1 for me, especially with all the mods available:

Because it's a good time killer and somehow engaging:

The first ever RPG I bought for the PC (and incidentally, it came with a free copy of fallout, which i deemed better):

Only these and Sonic games do I ever play on Sega anymore:


And the first two RPG's I ever actually bought, numbers two and three on my list:

okay, I came in late (again), and have a LOT of repeats, but here's my list (oh, and Det Som - I may be able to get you a copy of Planescape if'n you want it. I think I may have a spare copy laying around somewhere.)

All time #1 for me, especially with all the mods available:

Because it's a good time killer and somehow engaging:

The first ever RPG I bought for the PC (and incidentally, it came with a free copy of fallout, which i deemed better):

Only these and Sonic games do I ever play on Sega anymore:


And the first two RPG's I ever actually bought, numbers two and three on my list:


It's funny, on that Chrono Trigger box art, it looks like Marlee/Nadia(whatever she was called at that point) is using fire magic, where her magic was actually water/ice


thank you :blush:

i can't recall her name off hand, i know her 'fiance' was Kino... that's all i remeber now....

I usually went with Chrono in my #1 spot (luminaire kicks all ass), second spot I alternated between Magus (great magic) and Glenn (dual techs with chrono rule), and third spot was always Marle/Nadia for healing. That's how I always took on Lavos at the end anyway.

Ever get the best ending possible by chance? I was able to do it legitimately only once after going through the game several times, getting the best of everything, then of course using new game +.

Luminare was awesome, I recall Magus having some pretty bad ass magic as well. And yeah, always have Marle there. I don't think I got the best ending possible,haha, maybe I will sometime. I downloaded a Swedish version of the game, it's pretty cool.