Post a picture of your favorite rpg and a brief explanation

i can't recall her name off hand, i know her 'fiance' was Kino... that's all i remeber now....

I usually went with Chrono in my #1 spot (luminaire kicks all ass), second spot I alternated between Magus (great magic) and Glenn (dual techs with chrono rule), and third spot was always Marle/Nadia for healing. That's how I always took on Lavos at the end anyway.

Ever get the best ending possible by chance? I was able to do it legitimately only once after going through the game several times, getting the best of everything, then of course using new game +.

You're fucked.
Chrono, Frog/Glenn, and Magus is the only party I use after I get Magus, and revive Chrono. Before that, I just use Chrono, Frog/Glenn, and whoever is the lowest level at the time.
I really hated that little French bitch in Chrono Cross. I couldn't wait until the end where she asked to go with me and I said hells no. And she said a pity or tsk tsk.

I wonder if that game is worth replaying or if it's nostalgia.
It was definitly no Chrono Trigger. Most of the characters were extremely two dimensional since there were so damn many of them. But I liked how your actions determined which you got. I think it kinda sucked actually.
Y'know I loved all the Castlevania games from that console generation. They were frustrating at times but I put hours into them. The N64 one took up an entire summer.
I've only ever played the 64title once, I remember that they'd made another version where you could be a Werewolf. But It was one of the few games that required a memory card... Which I never purchased. I still play SOTN on my PSP.
Another Game I also Enjoyed very muchly was

course then again I pretty much loved all the Squaresoft titles.
I'm pirating Planescape Torment right now. I hope I can figure out how to make it work.

Are there any great PC RPG's that are about the same difficulty to run as Gothic II or Morrowind? Stupid computer.
Y'know I loved all the Castlevania games from that console generation. They were frustrating at times but I put hours into them. The N64 one took up an entire summer.

Haha, same for me. Did you get to play the second N64 one? Legacy of Darkness it was called as I recall.

P.S. Fuck the castle center for making me transport that nitro!!
I never played the second one, I don't even remember it! I just remember how hard the platforming of Castlevania 64 was! An entire summer spent on that and Shadowman.