Post funny shit

I can't even tell if there's a joke buried somewhere in there or not? I mean is there something I'm missing or is it just blatant racism and nothing else?
When I was in third grade, there were three girls named Shantay, Shantell, and Shantall.

So when they become hookers, do they pick working names like Alice, Mary, etc.?

I think the weirdest name I can remember was Dontay

The name Dante has been around for a while but it pisses me off when they don't spell names right.

Whilst doing his teaching rounds at an outer eastern suburbs primary school a few years ago, a friend of mine was writing a number of the kids’ names on the blackboard, and when he got to Maddalyn, he wrote her name on the board as “Madeline”. She called out “Mr Randolph, you’ve spelt my name wrong”. Without missing a beat, he responded “no I didn’t, your parents did”.

The thing that also pisses me off is naming a kid a surname & spelling it wrong.

Some people just let it all build up to the breaking point, I guess. I dont think thats so much as funny as it is inspiring. @ KFC guy