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Why there are monkeys? In short - humans didn't really evolve out of the monkeys. I mean, it's not as if one day a gorilla gave birth to a healthy normal human child. However, humans and monkeys have the same ancestoral father. That certain species way back when evolved down different paths - humans on one hand, and monkeys on the other.
Who says they can't co-exist anyway?

All dogs came from wolves yet there are still wolves.

I never said that there's a problem with them co-existing.

But the argument for dogs is problematic one - dogs are the way they are thanks to selective breeding that humans put them through, which is why there are so many breeds of dogs, but only a few of wolves.

BTW, I don't really have a clue on the subject - it's just that I had a conversation with my friend on this subject, and he's a biology major, so he told me this stuff a few days ago.
Selective breeding, natural selection, it's still evolution, is it not?


I never said that there's a problem with them co-existing.

I sort of take back my statement to a degree, there was a problem with neanderthal man and homo-sapien relations. They did co-exist and it's even believed that they mated together but the homo sapiens basically hunted them to extinction forcing them into the inhospitable mountains of Spain and Croatia where they eventually perished.

We are doing similar today with the Orang-Utan, taking up its habitat and eventually forcing them to extinction. Also when indigenous workers are building projects in the jungle they are paid so poorly they hunt and eat the monkeys to survive, further endangering their species.
