Post funny shit

Laughing about LARPers? As soon as humanity is terrorized by gnomes and huge trolls, we'll be happy to have these brave, brave men and women.
I guess it's funnier to me because I know the couple that lives in that house... they are probably in their 60s and have mean barking dogs chained up in their yard... and the old lady there is always drunk and yelling at kids playing on the street. I imagine one of those little kids put that on their car... and to me that's so freaking funny :lol:

someone putting a bumper sticker on someone ELSE'S car is freaking hilarious no matter what the sticker says
LARPers make me seriously LOL, but holy shit...has this guy ever heard of a spell cooldown? :lol:

In the same context...
A buddy of mine, who's also helping me make a music video--was in on the making of the of this movie here in Eastern Washington. The title might be worse than the movie itself. Apparently there were some real "hotties" in it.

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That does look like it will be pretty awesome. Can't really get enough good Horror/Comedies. Similarly, if you haven't seen this yet, it's very much worth watching. It's been called "the Shaun of the Dead version of Deliverance", and that's not too far off. It's not nearly as stupid as the title would suggest.

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That does look like it will be pretty awesome. Can't really get enough good Horror/Comedies. Similarly, if you haven't seen this yet, it's very much worth watching. It's been called "the Shaun of the Dead version of Deliverance", and that's not too far off. It's not nearly as stupid as the title would suggest.

You Tube

i'll watch this movie