Id well be up for modding these forums, this time using some other lame forum as a recycling bin. Id have to give that some thought. I dont think Deron or a few people on here would approve of me being a mod.'re pretty cool, so I approve :)
Deron is too busy killing this website off to go around deleting forums for tolling.
Can't wait for UM to require payment..."Its an internet forum, of course no one will mind chipping a few bucks in." :lol:
It did get deleted it's not in the main directory of forums.

From Mike Akerfag

It just goes to show that we certainly have our share of mentally under-developed people floating around here.

This is ultimately also the reason why we're closing down this forum on a permanent basis shortly. We simply can't endorse this bollocks anymore. I've certainly enjoyed "hanging" out with you here, but it's got to come to an end.

Obviously I'm not pointing fingers at you regular folks who just like to talk music and such, but I think/hope you can understand where we're coming from. It's no big deal really, of course.

Take care guys
Nah, shit here just doesn't require constant attention anymore.
Other than Black Metal kid, who is pretty much over, its boring as fuck now.

Yeah and you're pretty known here. At least I remember you've made some really awesome pictures


I remember some edits that Hylian and Turbo made :lol: the "terminator-eye" and the one with me holding a "Sex For Dummies" book... ah, seems like such a long time ago...

I think I vaguely remember her joining :D.

you're old, duuh...

Only because she irritated the shit out of everyone with that red font.

hehe, and you know you love me for it :Smokedev: