Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

I have really enjoyed this thread! I made a cup of coffee, and relaxed in front of it for awhile now! Thanks Kevin. I would be interested in hearing how you perceive me. I really haven't been here as long as most of you. I remember coming on board about the same time as Altitudes, maybe a little before or after.
You really live up to the nick "swede-heart." You're as nice as they come in a very cute, innocent sort of way. Yet you're not weak and stand up for yourself and your opinions, but not in an unreasonable way. Smart, and amazingly funny, you always come into threads with real LOLs at just the right time too.

You're an old school integral member of this board your lack of presence would be noticed and unappreciated by all virtually instantly.
Wow. I can't tell if this thread is more cathartic for Kevin or the people he's speaking to, but either way, it seems like a real venting of positive steam!

There have been a number of these sorts of threads in recent weeks. I don't know if that's a result of people become more comfortable with themselves and their perceived roles on this board, or a more generalized end-of-year-reflection sort of thing, but either way, to see people open up is always a beautiful thing.

Life is worth laughing at!
I relate to you on a completely different level than everyone else here. I'm generally a private person and I usually keep my innermost thoughts to myself when it comes to things such as the way the universe works, or why we're here, or what the meaning of life is, or religion, but if I ever felt the desire to open up about those things, you'd be the first I'd talk to. I think you before anyone else would understand my point of view because I see a lot of myself in the way you think about the world. You're extremely open minded and willing to explore alternate explanations for anything.

You're also a genuinely nice person whom I've never known to say anything bad about anyone else that didn't deserve it. You listen, you offer constructive criticism and advice that holds merit and value and in general are an all around great poster and key asset to this board, to me at least.

I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual with the rest of the board, but personally, I'd notice right away if you stopped posting.
I don't know much about you, never really interacted with you on or outside of the board, but my general impression is that you are a cool chick who's into too cool things like video games and hockey. You kind of limit your posting to just communicating with the people you're close with here on the board and don't really offer much more than that, but that's totally cool. You never argue or get mad and for the most part, all your posts are good.

I'd probably notice after a while if you stopped posting but only because your nick is so easily recognizable. Whenever anyone would say "Nikki" I'd instantly think of you.
but I didn't post
I wanna give you a huge hug someday. You're like a friendly teddy bear that pokes you in your most vulnerable spot when you least expect it and then laughs about it. Comedic gold, always quick to throw hilarious jabs when people mess up and say wrong things, entire threads full of awesome, cooking prowess and an overall sense of awesomeness.

Another old schooler that'd be missed deeply by all upon departure.
A lot of what I said about Laura applies to you as well, at least as far the insecurity stuff goes. You're another one that I think has amazing potential but is blowing it with a "not giving a shit" attitude. I also think you sometimes try to come off harder and more badass than everyone else, but it fails because you are also so open about your insecurities. It just doesn't make sense that someone who apparently thinks so little of himself can actually try to act like he's more well rounded and streetwise than everyone else, especially people he's never met in person.

Sometimes I think your determination to prove you like rap and hip-hop and get along so well with other races gets excessively annoying. In this day and age it's not really that weird for white people to have black friends so you always pointing it out makes it seems like you're trying to prove something that no one really cares about. Cool. You get on well with black people. You understand them. Right on. So do I. Who cares?

That said, I think you're fucking awesome John. You're also young and have a lot of growing up to do. I think you have a good head on your shoulders and I'm confident that when it comes down to it, you know how to use it when it counts. I love that you're always so active in trying to make yourself better and conquer your demons. You're willing to lay it all out there and listen to what everyone thinks with an open mind. Just keep that shit up man, it's hard work but if you want it bad enough, you'll persevere. Fuck, I can see you doing it already.

Dunno about everyone else, but I'd miss you.
Actually I'll give you a full on, Neal ;)

You're like a duck. Nothing bothers you or gets under your skin, everything just slides right off your back like water on a duck. No big deal, fuck it, it's gone and done with. You don't let petty shit bother you, you're totally chill. I don't know if it's due to your weed habits or not it doesn't matter. You're a fuckin cool mellow cat that I thoroughly enjoyed spending IRL time with and would totally do it again at the drop of a hat. You're a fuckin funny guy and make with some decent one liners usually at least once a day. It's nice to have someone to talk shop (pot) with here.

All that aside, you're one of not very many here I'd consider a real life friend... a friend I would offer my couch to any time you needed somewhere to crash. I'd notice within a day if you stopped posting.
Hey I'm posting in this thread too.
My opinion of you has gotten better recently also. I always rolled my eyes when you complained about being called "slutty" for the outfits you'd wear. You used to have what seemed like no tolerance for people you considered dumb. You would respond to things you didn't like in a very catty, condescending way and every time I would think to myself "she's young, they all think they know it all." I never said it because I didn't want to deal with the ensuing argument.

But you've changed a lot since you've gotten older, which makes me feel good for not saying anything. You've become a more intelligent, composed communicator and I see much more positivity and happiness now (new bf maybe?!) and less cattiness now.

Even though you're ultra young, you're an old schooler like the rest of us and have improved in all aspects over the years. Another support beam for the board, I must admit others would probably notice before me if you stopped posting, but I'd catch on be bummed for sure.