Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

I have really enjoyed this thread! I made a cup of coffee, and relaxed in front of it for awhile now! Thanks Kevin. I would be interested in hearing how you perceive me. I really haven't been here as long as most of you. I remember coming on board about the same time as Altitudes, maybe a little before or after.
You have a very old fashioned personality and to be honest, I'm really surprised you get on so well with everyone here. You're a genuinely nice person that always only has good things to say. Based on interactions on IRC, you're probably the best listener on the board and you always seem more interested in hearing about other people rather than talking about yourself. You can be pretty excitable a lot of the time, but that's not a bad thing.

I think deep down you've got some insecurity issues also and the way you kill everyone with kindness helps to keep those insecurities away from everyone else's view. I have a hard time determining whether or not you are happy with yourself and your life, especially since your recent move. This comes from your unwillingness to open yourself up to others. You've definitely got a shell that you crawl into and hide in whenever the heat in the kitchen gets too hot.

I would imagine someone like you to be a big bright red target for ridicule because you always seem so happy and excited and lots of keyboard warriors like to cut people like that down. I think the reason you post here so much is because there isn't anyone here that would really attack you for that. But oh man I could show you some forums where you wouldn't last two posts before your feelings were completely destroyed. I like this board because it's the opposite of that and people like you can contribute and have fun.

You turn up in most threads, so it wouldn't take long to notice if you stopped posting.
Wouldn't be surprised if there turns up a documentary about this board labeled "some kind of messageboard". This "community" is interesting on many levels.. with a bit irony. ;)
Another chill dude. You don't post much so I don't really know that much about you, but we've talked on msn a few times and probably should more often. You have good taste in music and play in a good, interesting band. And if you're buddy buddy with Karmic, then you're buddy buddy with me too :)

But Karmic would have to tell me you stopped posting before I knew it. You just don't post enough to be completely memorable at this point.
If you ever visit Holland, i shall cook you plenty of Indonesian food,
we will drink Scotch whiskey and smoke a huge joint together!
We made this deal years ago and this thread is a good opportunity for me, to remind you of it.


Huge hugs for Iris!!!! You might be the person I've known the longest here. Remember the days of #dreaming_neon_black? Shit that must have been 8 years ago.

You're total sweetheart with a heart of gold and it bums me out that you rarely post anymore. It's always good to see your new pics in the random photo thread. New Year's Eve is never the same without the greetings from you :)

I will take you up on your offer for sure, and the same one stands if you ever come to Seattle.

Since you don't post much anymore it would probably take a long time to realize you were gone, but there's no way I could ever forget you. <3
Righto good sir!
You seem to have a pretty substantial life outside of the board which results in not seeing you post as much as you used to. From what I remember you climb rocks, play guitar, and are very happy which are all pretty awesome things. I guess I don't really have much else to go on with ya.

Unfortunately I'd probably have to be notified of your disappearance if you permanently left.
:lol: i've been holding off on this, but i might as well give in

Well you and me have obviously had our differences. I think you show signs of bi-polarism with the way you can be so nice and funny and cordial with everyone for a while and then just suddenly turn into raging asshole and act demeaning and bitter and condescending towards the same people. I don't like how you justify these bouts of prickism with a don't-give-a-shit attitude. It's like you say "Fuck you I'm going to be and asshole because I want to and I feel like and I don't care what you think about it." There's no reason to act like that, ever. This is why my opinions of you have dropped recently. People that act like that are not good for me to be around or interact with because I can get yanked down to that level faster than I would like and in turn it makes me angry and makes feel the same way. The way you treat Laura here lately has been irritating too. I don't say anything though because I obviously don't know everything you guys have been through together, but it still seems unwarranted and forced, like you're just jabbing at her to make yourself feel better. Also, if I said anything you'd probably want to argue about it.

You've got lots of talent in multiple areas and from what you've said it's been that way since you were just a little kid. Maybe you've set expectations for yourself too high and you feel like you aren't accomplishing everything you think you should have by now, and this is part of the reason you flip out on occasion and start becoming hostile. You're not getting what you want. I think you've got the potential success of being a musician first and foremost in your mind, even before becoming a musician with the abilities to take their talents to a successful level. To get to that point takes a fuckload of time and a little bit of luck. Some people just get lucky, but let's face it... the chances of that happening to anyone are slim to none. I think you'd do well to just make music and not worry about trying to get rich from it. Just do it because you want to and everything else will fall into place.

You can be a good guy at times but you're very unstable. You've been much better lately but I can't help but wonder when you'll freak out and leave the board again because things aren't going your way. You just need to toughen up a little bit and deal with all the pitches that life throws at you. You're smart enough and talented enough. You just need more patience. Not everything has to happen right away. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you for these things to happen. Just try to enjoy what you've got already and make the most of your current mindset and surroundings. DOn't let petty shit bother you.

I'd notice right away if you left the board because you always make sure to post about it when you do :lol:
Some of the pics you post betray how disgusting your living quarters look, which to me is a reflection of the way you live and type of person you are. You may have what you consider to be reasons for your place looking that way, but all I see is filth that's not of the sort that appears after only a day or two. If you had any self respect, you'd clean it up without a second thought or trying to justify why it's there.

You seem pretty intelligent but you lack focus. You don't have any motivation or drive to do something with yourself and your smarts, so it just results in you being really good at being a cyber prick and pissing people off.

Dude, I don't know about Max, but I had a huge grin on my face reading this. I'm such a fucking closet nerd that any remote reference to Star Wars, even unintentional, makes me giggle like a retard. It's a real sickness. Max is the SW nerd I could never be, I have always kind of been interested in the EU but I have never really had the time to explore it.

I re-read this post and imagined the Emperor's voice during the bolded parts... :erk: HELP ME!

It's one of those things where you have to work with them to understand. Justin is a bright retard, but he's got severe lack of give a shit. He thinks people getting hurt is funny, and his favorite thing to do is break things and piss you off. He's going to hurt someone and end up locked down in a special area of the state hospital for retards that committed crimes, or he'll be in prison for the rest of his life. And he thinks that's funny too. if he straightened up, he could get a GED, a job, even live by himself with some care, because he can clean and cook IF HE FEELS LIKE IT. So when I'm a little cynical about the kids, it's because I tried for a long time to change his attitude about things, to realize that my job is ultimately futile.

Well, I try not to judge others, but if you really don't like caring for them anymore or can't handle their antics, maybe you should find a new job, for your own personal happiness and for theirs as well. I hate kids, and mentally challenged kids/people would probably make me aggravated as well. I can understand 100% your feelings, especially since it is hard to realize that no matter how hard you try to do for them nothing is going to change/improve in regards to their behaviour. All I am saying is it bothers me to read someone who cares for mentally challenged people talk about them like they're subhuman, not to say that you do you just put them down a lot. I mean as long as you're nice to them when they're around and don't neglect or abuse them (verbally, physically, mentally) that's ok I guess but for your own sake you might want to find new employment and be much happier. Or maybe the times I read those types of posts you're just in a bad mood and you talk that way and I am getting a wrong perception of what is going on.

EDIT: Reply to Kev coming.
Well you and me have obviously had our differences. I think you show signs of bi-polarism with the way you can be so nice and funny and cordial with everyone for a while and then just suddenly turn into raging asshole and act demeaning and bitter and condescending towards the same people. I don't like how you justify these bouts of prickism with a don't-give-a-shit attitude. It's like you say "Fuck you I'm going to be and asshole because I want to and I feel like and I don't care what you think about it." There's no reason to act like that, ever. This is why my opinions of you have dropped recently. People that act like that are not good for me to be around or interact with because I can get yanked down to that level faster than I would like and in turn it makes me angry and makes feel the same way. The way you treat Laura here lately has been irritating too. I don't say anything though because I obviously don't know everything you guys have been through together, but it still seems unwarranted and forced, like you're just jabbing at her to make yourself feel better. Also, if I said anything you'd probably want to argue about it.

You've got lots of talent in multiple areas and from what you've said it's been that way since you were just a little kid. Maybe you've set expectations for yourself too high and you feel like you aren't accomplishing everything you think you should have by now, and this is part of the reason you flip out on occasion and start becoming hostile. You're not getting what you want. I think you've got the potential success of being a musician first and foremost in your mind, even before becoming a musician with the abilities to take their talents to a successful level. To get to that point takes a fuckload of time and a little bit of luck. Some people just get lucky, but let's face it... the chances of that happening to anyone are slim to none. I think you'd do well to just make music and not worry about trying to get rich from it. Just do it because you want to and everything else will fall into place.

You can be a good guy at times but you're very unstable. You've been much better lately but I can't help but wonder when you'll freak out and leave the board again because things aren't going your way. You just need to toughen up a little bit and deal with all the pitches that life throws at you. You're smart enough and talented enough. You just need more patience. Not everything has to happen right away. You're young and have your whole life ahead of you for these things to happen. Just try to enjoy what you've got already and make the most of your current mindset and surroundings. DOn't let petty shit bother you.

I'd notice right away if you left the board because you always make sure to post about it when you do :lol:

That's all pretty accurate. The thing with me throwing jabs at Laura are exactly that, I'm throwing jabs at Laura. It really isn't much different than when we WERE going out. I don't post anything to her that's positive, because quite frankly, I view her exactly how you view me. She's nice, but jesus christ, she's quite unstable. When she overreacts about everything that happens to her, it's annoying as hell. When someone else on the board does something annoying as fuck (to me), I'm open about it. I've been a dick to you, Eric, and John. It's not me singling her out, because I point out flaws in most people. Also, you were also right in not knowing exactly what was going on between me and her. I'm not going to go in to anything, so I'll leave it at that.

But yeah, you pretty much hit it all on the head. ALSO! Next time I go to Seattle, I'm buying you some stuff at Pies & Pints... whether you like it or not.
Personally, I think you're probably a whole lot different in real life than on the board. You obviously know how to stir shit up and that can be good, sometimes funny and refreshing, but I think you push the envelope too far most of the time. When it gets to the point where you're doing it just to piss people off, rather than expressing true opinions or feelings you're venturing into "troll" territory.

Well, one of my biggest regrets here was when I first started coming around, instead of taking the shit most regulars on a board give the new guy, I got defensive and acted obnoxious. I guess I felt entitled to something, since I have been on a lot of the other boards on UM and established myself there. But whether it's 17K posts or just 17, it's about your attitude and first impressions. Everywhere you go there is a certian period where the new guy gets broken in a bit, online and IRL. And I should have taken it in a proper way, instead of getting mad, a little butthurt and deciding to get even through acting like a troll and a dick. That only hurt me more in the eyes of most people here and disrupted the board a great deal. I think a lot of you guys are awesome, and I'm really jealous a lot of you get to meet up often. I mean I have a lot of friends IRL but to me, online friendships are sometimes more substantial, and it's always nice getting to hang out with someone you don't see very often yet speak with almost everyday, it's cool. You're all funny, but there's a handful of you guys here that make me really, really enjoy coming here. And incase it isn't obvious, you're definitely one of them Kevin.

That said, I think people here make a bigger deal out of your presence than they need to. So the fault isn't entirely yours, but you exploit the fact that people don't like you and try to use it against them and that's not very cool in my book.

I think if you didn't try so hard to be tough and make yourself sound so much better than everyone else, you'd get on fairly well around here. You seem smart and creative and I do laugh at a lot of the shit you say because it's funny. However, it's hard to fully embrace your good aspects when the bad ones are so.... well.... bad. Just stop trying to be cooler than everyone and just hang out. The advice your offer when you're being sincere is always pretty great and I think more of that and less unnecessary shit talking would serve your really fucking well.

Of course there's not a person here that wouldn't notice rather quickly if you stopped posting.

Wel, I will keep this in mind. After shit got out of hand a few days ago I have decided on my ownt hat for the good of the people I do liek ehre, I will just ignore the sometimes unwarranted shit I get from the others. On the one hand, I really don't care, but on the other I just have some really bad compulsion to get even with people. In real life this has hurt me a lot because I can't ever just let shit go, and sometimes I really go overboard. I have to win at all costs, even if it hurts me too. But that is usually only when I am really angry at someone, not over something stupid.

And, I don't know if you'll agree with this statement Kev (especially after what I just said a few sentences ago), but IRL I am a lot like you. A very relaxed, kind person, willing to listen and give it straight while still offering helpful insight on how to improve a situation. I have an entirely opposite side to me as well, but it's a good balance, I act appropriately when the situation calls for it. Why am I the way I am online? I don't fucking know, but I'm glad some of you can see past it and recognize I am not a total fuckwad :lol:

As far as my perceptions about you Kevin, here goes:

I have since day one had respect for you. When everyone else was riding my ass, whether it was deserved or not, you always were in my corner so to speak. Maybe you were playing Devil's Advocate, but I got a general sense that you did see that there was some kind of 'mob mentality' going on that wasn't justified and you spoke your mind. And there's nothing I respect more than someone who voices their opinion, even if it's one that everyone else isn't going to agree with and they might catch shit for. A person who stays true to their thoughts and doesn't waiver or follow the pack is honestly very rare. Even I succumb to that same shit at times. I think that you are a bit loney though man, and sometimes a bit insecure. I think you have your shit together in some aspects of your life, but not in others. I don't know you well enough to say what specifically but I just get that impression from what little I do know about you. I could be very wrong, but I'm just going on the posts I've seen. I would love to see you with a nice girl, but the insecurity I am sensing from you might be impeding you. I know you probably suffer the same problem as me, which is you're smart, more than capable of achieving your goals and dreams, but for one reason or another, you haven't quite gone there yet, and the older you get the more it seems like you're settling for less than you wanted in life. Or you just feel inadequate regardless of the things you have achieved because in your mind you know you want/can be more. And that feeling feeds into a whole bunch of other things that eat you alive from the inside. A feeling of helplessness so to speak. All in all, I think you're a great guy, maybe you need to realize a lot of the stuff that plagues you is in your head and you need to break past that. I know you can.

As far as weed, if you smoke everyday that might be hurting you. I know it's a good feeling, that buzz, it really helps getting past shit. You know deep down whether it's harming you or not, so I won't say anything further. All I can say is that as a former avid marijuana user, it really held me back a lot. It gave me a lot of dreams but no motivation to pursue them.

Anyways, I probably said a lot of shit in this rant that isn't even true, I wish I knew you better but I did my best to give you my opinion!
You were in a shell when you first started coming here and all I wanted was for you to shatter it and let go of all your inhibitions. But instead of shattering it, you're just slowly slipping out in a conservative, apprehensive manner. It's all good :)

For a girl with such valued morals, you never freak out or resort to attacking people when you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. You handle the heat well and usually do so with a laugh.

At first my impression was "great, high browed christian chick come around and tryin to be all sweet and innocent... she's gonna get mad at our vulgarity" but over time I've really come to like you and I think you're pretty GODDAMNED hilarious (and not easily offended ;)) and bright. I now fully appreciate your lust for life and happiness and learning and think it would totally suck balls if you stopped posting.

You know how sometimes there are those little things that you hope people pick up about you because you feel they're a key part in understanding who you are? You hit the nail on the head. And that post made my day all the more brighter. And shoot if it didn't pull on my ego-strings a good bit. ;)
Kevin, you're awesome!

I know I probably repeat myself by saying this, since you already know all of this, (because I told you ;) ) but you are a great person that is so easy to get along with
and I love talking to you on every channel possible - especially the random smss :)
You have such a good heart and I know you say you have a slight bi-polar issues, but I have never seen that side of you,
In fact all I see is the loving, caring and the great heart you have inside.
You detach yourself from any 'drama' what so ever, and always form your own opinion about anything or anyone without being influenced from bad reviews.
You believe in giving anyone a blank page when you meet them, and if they happen to screw that page up, in time- you'll be more than willing to turn that page and give them a second chance. - I love that about you!
When you spend the day outdoors with a good friend; for you, it's the most perfect day that you could have. You're confident about who you are and the way you look without apologizing for it,
and you're just happy to be the awesome person you are!
Don't worry Kev Kev... the winter will pass soon and hopefully your mood will get warmer again :)
I love ya!! Seriously. You're awesome!
You have a very old fashioned personality and to be honest, I'm really surprised you get on so well with everyone here. You're a genuinely nice person that always only has good things to say. Based on interactions on IRC, you're probably the best listener on the board and you always seem more interested in hearing about other people rather than talking about yourself. You can be pretty excitable a lot of the time, but that's not a bad thing.

I think deep down you've got some insecurity issues also and the way you kill everyone with kindness helps to keep those insecurities away from everyone else's view. I have a hard time determining whether or not you are happy with yourself and your life, especially since your recent move. This comes from your unwillingness to open yourself up to others. You've definitely got a shell that you crawl into and hide in whenever the heat in the kitchen gets too hot.

I would imagine someone like you to be a big bright red target for ridicule because you always seem so happy and excited and lots of keyboard warriors like to cut people like that down. I think the reason you post here so much is because there isn't anyone here that would really attack you for that. But oh man I could show you some forums where you wouldn't last two posts before your feelings were completely destroyed. I like this board because it's the opposite of that and people like you can contribute and have fun.

You turn up in most threads, so it wouldn't take long to notice if you stopped posting.

:blush: Thank you Kevin! I think you got it spot on! Lets see, insecurities are definitely spot on. And definitely the big red target! Even worse so in "IRL". My own family has used me as target practice with the same ammo. But they have used the fact that I'm nice, they use the rest for calling me a black sheep. The only person in my entire family like myself, was my Grandma.

I'm really glad you guys have accepted me, as I realize this more and more, I am starting to come out of the shell. I'm a retreater! But, I'm trying to crawl out. :)

On to you!

One of the reasons I like you so much Kevin, is that you are a genuine person. I admire that, and I believe you would pretty much be the same, if I met you face to face. Your kind hearted, and your not mean to anyone. But, you also possess something I do not within your kindness, which is the ability to speak your mind, and tell it like it is.

I was surprised when I heard that you had insecurities in the confession thread, because I know that there is a confident man under the hood. I can tell you battle them, and you are winning the war. I still believe you are genuine because it's never fake to strive to be the man you want to be. That person is inside of you.

OF course you got me in to, spongle, and gorjira as well. Which is not an easy task since I'm picky. Also you are very talented. You will serve the next band you are in very well.

Lastly, but this is obvious, you are a true role model, in that you truly don't let any of the shitty things bother you. With the big stuff, I've seen you straighten up, and brush yourself off, and with the small stuff they don't even come near you. I really love that about you.

I have a policy, that If I don't have anything nice to say, I try not to say anything at all. But, with you, I have no negative thoughts or feelings. You are a rare breed. :Saint: <3