Post in this thread and I'll tell you what I honestly think of you.

Badgers, mushrooms, etc. I want a pizza.

Wait, this is the tell me about me thread.

Ok, go ahead.
David David David.... I've thought a lot about you over the years. You're definitely a unique soul.

I've never said anything like this to you before because, I'm not afraid to admit it, you're an intimidating fucker and I'm not sure how you'd react to what I have to say. I've refrained because I honestly can't tell if what I thought about you would send you flying off the handle or if you'd be able and willing to actually hear what I have to say and consider it. But like Laura, if you're posting here then you're obviously interested, so here goes.

For the most part you seem like a level-headed guy but you (at least used to) complain a lot about your living situation and/or your life not being very great and I always thought to myself "well maybe if you actually did something to improve it, you would feel differently." You complained a lot about work and not having much of a social life and I just wanted to say "move out, stop bitching about not having the money to do it. If you want it bad enough just do it." For the reasons stated above I never did.

However, during more recent times my opinions have changed dramatically as you seem less bitter towards the world and comfortable with your situation. So, I guess you could say I think you're finally making the improvements to your life that you needed to, and that rocks. I used to not concern myself with communicating with you much because we'd had our disagreements in the past and you were always a little less than inviting towards that sort of discussion. Basically you struck me as pretty grumpy, so it's cool to see that side of you going away.

Sometimes I get annoyed by the way you teeter on the edge of controversy with some of your posts, particularly the ones regarding the women and Isabel in particular. It's like you have things you want to say but you word them in such a manner that they could be deciphered in multiple ways, ensuring that you're not held responsible for saying something "wrong." If you want to say a girl is hot or sexy or whatever, even if she's not 18, just say it. Everyone else does. Don't worry about that protective barrier that you hide behind with those posts. If anything, it makes you seem a little bit creepy, especially considering your general demeanor and what I would classify as apathy.

But as I mentioned, these are things that pertain to the way you were a while back. I've noticed marked improvements in your posting habits and attitude over the last year and a half or so. Not to mention you're probably one of the brightest, most intelligent people here.

You're an old-schooler like me and I've learned to respect you a lot more than I ever did before. It wouldn't take but a couple days to notice you were gone.
Do me!! do me!!

Nip this one in the bud... I think I've read 3 posts from you ever. Not much to go on. Sorry. You'd be forgotten quickly. The only thing I can think of is that you are possibly somewhat close to the band on a personal level, or am I wrong?
......That's what she said!

I'm posting because I certainly am curious!

You strike me as the kind of guy that tries really, really hard to fit in. I don't laugh at very many of your jokes and you are usually talking about things I don't care about, which is why I don't interact with you much here. You're another that I've met in person and as far as I could tell from those limited experiences you seem cool enough.

Please don't take offense to this because I'm only being 100% honest here, but based on what I know of you from here and our short time IRL, you're not really the kind of person I would go out of my way to befriend. However, that's definitely subject to change with time.

You're not bad and you don't bother me at all. You just don't really entertain me much either and there's not much about that I know of and can relate to. Our personalities just don't go well together I think. It's not like an oil/water type thing... it's more like peanut butter and pickle sammiches. Technically it works, but it just doesn't happen much.

It'd take either a reminder from someone else or a very long time for me to notice you stopped posting.
Nope, I haven't spoken to warrel outside of this forum... i know steve a little better though..

I was sort of joking a bit by getting you to "do me" because i have all of like 75 posts.. we talked about muay thai the other night though!
:lol: That's awesome.

Though, I've never been known to try to fit in and am curious to know how you've came to this conclusion. I'm not trying to defend myself, I'm simply trying to understand.

Like you've said before, people aren't usually how they are in person as they appear on the Internet.
Oh! Me next!
You're a fucking cartoon character come to life! I mean that in a good way. Your facial expressions in pictures crack me up.

Sometimes your blatant sucking up to and flirting with Emily get annoying but it's not bad enough to point out. You tend to catch some shit from others here but you deal with it well and never get bent out of shape when insulted. However you sometimes get defensive when it comes to matters of your relationship with Emily, but I don't know either of you in person so it could very well be completely justified.

Even though I can't remember anything specific and profound that you've contributed here aside from rocking with Will, you're still a memorable poster to me and I'd notice after some time if you left.

I'm going to jiu-jitsu now. See you guys later tonight.
David David David.... I've thought a lot about you over the years. You're definitely a unique soul.

I've never said anything like this to you before because, I'm not afraid to admit it, you're an intimidating fucker and I'm not sure how you'd react to what I have to say. I've refrained because I honestly can't tell if what I thought about you would send you flying off the handle or if you'd be able and willing to actually hear what I have to say and consider it. But like Laura, if you're posting here then you're obviously interested, so here goes.

For the most part you seem like a level-headed guy but you (at least used to) complain a lot about your living situation and/or your life not being very great and I always thought to myself "well maybe if you actually did something to improve it, you would feel differently." You complained a lot about work and not having much of a social life and I just wanted to say "move out, stop bitching about not having the money to do it. If you want it bad enough just do it." For the reasons stated above I never did.

However, during more recent times my opinions have changed dramatically as you seem less bitter towards the world and comfortable with your situation. So, I guess you could say I think you're finally making the improvements to your life that you needed to, and that rocks. I used to not concern myself with communicating with you much because we'd had our disagreements in the past and you were always a little less than inviting towards that sort of discussion. Basically you struck me as pretty grumpy, so it's cool to see that side of you going away.

Sometimes I get annoyed by the way you teeter on the edge of controversy with some of your posts, particularly the ones regarding the women and Isabel in particular. It's like you have things you want to say but you word them in such a manner that they could be deciphered in multiple ways, ensuring that you're not held responsible for saying something "wrong." If you want to say a girl is hot or sexy or whatever, even if she's not 18, just say it. Everyone else does. Don't worry about that protective barrier that you hide behind with those posts. If anything, it makes you seem a little bit creepy, especially considering your general demeanor and what I would classify as apathy.

But as I mentioned, these are things that pertain to the way you were a while back. I've noticed marked improvements in your posting habits and attitude over the last year and a half or so. Not to mention you're probably one of the brightest, most intelligent people here.

You're an old-schooler like me and I've learned to respect you a lot more than I ever did before. It wouldn't take but a couple days to notice you were gone.

Nah, it all makes sense. What happened with the home situation is I made peace with my father. He likes me here, I keep him from being bored and fighting with my mother, so we've agreed to try to communicate more and make attempts at social bonding. We still have our moments, but in the end, I'm starting to like the guy, since I got my sense of humor from him. I'm still eventually going to leave, but the job I need to earn the funds isn't coming due to state budget fuck-ups, and I'm not keen on complete strangers being my roommates anymore. If all else fails, they said this house is mine when they die anyway, but I'll try a place once I get a state job all the same.

I still have mood swings, and can get rather bitter and nasty, but instead of taking it out on others, I go play a multi-player war games and do nasty things to the enemy. it's eerily therapeutic, and I don't have to actually risk my life as I would in a military. I'm also trying to work on my social skills and maintaining friendships, which I'm bad at. Unless it's Joe, then my comments are warranted.

As for sexual commentary, I dunno. You first have to realize that I'm ultraconservative in some respects, and ultra liberal in others. These two sides war with each other, and create the oddities where I tell Laura to cork her ginny because her tits need a good rubdown, but fear telling someone under 18 their breasts have the ability to warp space-time around them and actually bend light, because somewhere, that Hansen pecker might be watching. Granted, this age issue was solved last month, but you see why I seem to contradict myself sometimes, because the same thing happens internally. I appreciate what you've said though, I like when people are honest to me.

*This has been "You'll never see David more honest unless hes been drinking hour," brought to you by Braum's Ice Cream and Dairy Stores.*

Edit: Isabel, I'm going to make it a point to talk about your tits more, you've been deprived.
I like Monsieur Beard but his posts about the mentally handicapped children he cares for makes me a bit mad at times.
It's one of those things where you have to work with them to understand. Justin is a bright retard, but he's got severe lack of give a shit. He thinks people getting hurt is funny, and his favorite thing to do is break things and piss you off. He's going to hurt someone and end up locked down in a special area of the state hospital for retards that committed crimes, or he'll be in prison for the rest of his life. And he thinks that's funny too. if he straightened up, he could get a GED, a job, even live by himself with some care, because he can clean and cook IF HE FEELS LIKE IT. So when I'm a little cynical about the kids, it's because I tried for a long time to change his attitude about things, to realize that my job is ultimately futile.
You're a fucking cartoon character come to life! I mean that in a good way. Your facial expressions in pictures crack me up.

Sometimes your blatant sucking up to and flirting with Emily get annoying but it's not bad enough to point out. You tend to catch some shit from others here but you deal with it well and never get bent out of shape when insulted. However you sometimes get defensive when it comes to matters of your relationship with Emily, but I don't know either of you in person so it could very well be completely justified.

Even though I can't remember anything specific and profound that you've contributed here aside from rocking with Will, you're still a memorable poster to me and I'd notice after some time if you left.

I'm going to jiu-jitsu now. See you guys later tonight.

Ok, I'll admit I'm a little bit flattered. I don't really recall any sucking up to Emily. Flirting yes, sucking up no. I do sometimes get defensive over my relationship with Emily only because it can get misconstrued. The relationship is plutonic. If that changes, so be it. If anything I'd be proud to have her as my woman. The same can be said about you and Karen as well.

...wait...I just got defensive. You're good.

Anyway, as for you. I don't really have any issues with you. You're a good judge of character, yet the least judgmental person I've seen on this board. You're an easy going dude almost to the point of complete apathy, which seems forced at times. As cool as some of them are, you post waaaay to many pictures of yourself in reflective objects. I do, though, like that you tell how it is. It's also actually pretty cool that you've been sticking up for Undefined (as obnoxious yet likable as he is). You introduced me to Gojira, with whom I fell in love with. I think you may like weed a liiiiiiitle too much, but the fact that you drink PBR evens that out. You are essentially the Sage of the board. The Zenmaster if you will. You're a cool cat in my book.
My tits definitely have not been deprived lately.


Reference: See the Steve (bitch) thread.