post pics of your gear and guitars!!!

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^Doesn't matter, Deron will knows. I'll get Nick to find the IP and it's source, if it runs back ot a proxy or anything I'll get him to contact Deron who will be able to match this user to an existing user (if there is such a match to be made) via a secret method I am not even aware of but it doesn't involve IP.
thanx heartless name im juss new to all this and im a guitar freak lol and i ove lookin at ppls gear its fun to see wat other ppl have and no im not hear to mak truble:rock::lol:

post pics/vids/clips of your playing and gear so the guitarists can verify you, you have to have an alexi laiho signature or you'll be banned. sorry.

im kidding, but please share pics/vids/clips
you have to have an alexi laiho signature or you'll be banned. sorry.

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