post ridiculous work related things here

i used to catch clients stealing all the tampons out of the machines at my office.
the thing is, they were free so it's like, why do you need like 25 of them? are you going to sell them?
I don't exactly have a well-defined job right now. I've been hired to help admin this database/CMS conversion project, but my role isn't very well defined. I just spent the last 3 days in meetings trying to figure it out, but it's still up in the air. I guess I get to be assigned to other tasks today, but I'm not even sure it'll be stuff I know how to do (or can fake).
My week so far:
8am-3pm: meetings
3pm-10ish: back at the hotel, coding for the other projects with the shades drawn

Coming up: travelling back to the SF bay area for August to cover graveyard shift at my old job. Why did I accept that? jeez

needs cowbell
josh, pretty much the same here. i space out for hours and everyone just thinks i'm mulling over important engineering problems.

from my sister's job: her employee has 29 pair of sneakers under her desk. TWENTY NINE.
when my new boss laughs he sounds EXACTLY LIKE winnie the pooh in the olderish cartoons it's unbelievable how much he sounds like him.
at my last job, the first year i worked my ass off, providing for high visibility to superiors. my review was so-so, because they only remembered the bad things that happened. the second year, i did practically nothing (was looking for a job in StL most of the time) and got an awesome review & raise. as long as they didn't hear anything, they assumed you were doing great. so nobody did anything. like, a SQL Server to Oracle conversion took over 3 yrs
My coworkers in the lab took lunch without me. That wouldn't be ridiculous except I expect them to get me before lunch because we've done it that way for the entire summer. I mean, there are only 6 of us, I'm sure they noticed someone was missing.