Post-rock mixing practice anyone?


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, feel free to move it if you want.

So I'm working on a post-rock type song and I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in mixing a song like this? I know it sounds like shit, but I'm wondering who can do a better job polishing a turd :loco:

Drums are Ez drummer, and I suck at programming and editing drums so if you wanna completely re-do them that's fine by me.

Reference Mix:

Here's the link for the stems...

4/4 time 120 bpm. Midi is programed at 1/2x normal tempo though.
No DI's, just recorded direct from my pod x3 with a TS9 in front. I removed all EQ, FX and editing I did that you hear in the reference track above.

Here is a list of the files I'm providing: (.wav mono stem tracks)
- MIDI drums
- Drum stem
- Rhythm Guitar L
- Rhythm Guitar R
- Lead Guitar L
- Lead Guitar R
- Bass L
- Bass R
- Reference track (I know it's already linked above, but I figured you may want to have it in one location if you needed it at all.)

Edit 2:
Forgot to mention that tuning for this is in (almost) Drop C, but my guitar was slightly flat due to drastic weather changes while tracking -- the wife turned on the heater and made the temp spike by 30 degrees or so and I didn't notice the tuning problem until now.

Please, by all means, feel free to be as creative as you want with this. Meaning if you want to add keys/synths/piano to it, new bass line, guitar lines, other cool effects like with an e-bow, etc. feel free to do that as well.
Cool thanks guys!

I will render down the stem tracks tonight and get everything compressed and packaged up for you!

And yes, I will make sure to include the midi for drums along with details like tempo, etc.

Cheers! :kickass:
Sure post the files. I think the song is really good except for the drums which could be a bit more interesting.
Sure post the files. I think the song is really good except for the drums which could be a bit more interesting.

Thanks! And yes, I agree 100% about the drums. I'm not a drummer so the reason the drums are so boring is it's all just drag and drop midi patterns from ezdrummer. If anyone feels so inclined to spice up the drums that would be awesome! :D
I'd love to give this a try!!!

Creating drums for it will be cool too!
I'm at work now, but I'll get to posting them tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Thanks for all the interest! :)
Midi file for the drums + drums would be awesome.
Post-rock is my listening thing at the moment...
The guitar tracks were recorded pretty shitty just using my POD X3 and are not DI. Is that an issue for any of you? If so, I can always sit down and re-record the guitar DI tracks for those that want to do that instead.