Post-rock recs


Nov 11, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
There are just so many of them to listen to and I can't seem to find the ones best suited to my taste.

If These Trees Could Talk - these guys are my favourite, so anything similar to what they do would be great

Explosions In the Sky - "The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place" is pretty awesome

65daysofstatic - I enjoyed "The Fall of Math"...didn't give the new one a good listen though

Do Make Say Think - "Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn" was a good album
Slint - Spiderland is what you need. Also some Mogwai.
Haven't listened to this stuff in years.
Slint - Spiderland is what you need. Also some Mogwai.
Haven't listened to this stuff in years.

Spiderland is such a great album! Some more recs...

Dianogah - Millions of Brazilians
Gastre del sol - Camoufleur
Grails - Red light
Red sparowes - At the soundless dawn
Shipping news - Flies the fields
Tortoise - TNT
Trans Am - Redline
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun
I always thought post rock was more along the lines of Tortoise and Trans AM rather than ambient stuff like Godspeed and Do Make...

Buuuut...check out some of these...

Battles - Any of the EPs or the new album.
Trans AM - s/t and the new one "Sex Change"
Tortoise - the last one "...All Around You"
Russian Circles - "Enter"
Brokeback - "Looks at the Bird" and "Morse Code in the Modern Age"

And of course the post-metal thing that is all the rage...
