Post some clips of your playing

Hey thanks

that wasn't actually my band.. that was all me.. i did those out of boredom. My band is Crimson Tears.. we dont really have any good recordings :-\

@Splinterhead: cool stuff! Is that home-recorded?

Heres a bit of my work at home:

LotR Pt.I % LotR Pt.II
Lets call it a variation of Howard Shore's score for the trilogy.
(right or left click, both are 128Kb mp3s of about 3MB)

This is a the first half of a song I have to finish yet.
(112Kb mp3 3MB)
Thanks man! Yep, it's recorded in my home studio. I checked out LotR Pt. 1. Nice orchestration. Had a problem downloading the others though (shitty dialup):mad:.

fucking great :rock:
thanks! I checked out Cross the Seas, cool contrast between the orchestral arrangement and death vocals. Keep goin!:kickass:
If you wanna check out some other clips click the sig!:flame:
ambassador kosh said:
@Splinterhead: cool stuff! Is that home-recorded?

Heres a bit of my work at home:

LotR Pt.I % LotR Pt.II
Lets call it a variation of Howard Shore's score for the trilogy.
(right or left click, both are 128Kb mp3s of about 3MB)

This is a the first half of a song I have to finish yet.
(112Kb mp3 3MB)


Wow. That stuff is amazing. I was just mystified at the whole thing. I need to fix my sound card before i can get anything recorded i have a few old things recorded but nothing that i think is good enough to post. How long have you been play? Cause that serisouly blew my mind. Just hearing that tells me that you can play so much more. Anyone who can play that can would have to, to be able to perfect something like that.

Painkiller87 said:
Wow. That stuff is amazing. I was just mystified at the whole thing. I need to fix my sound card before i can get anything recorded i have a few old things recorded but nothing that i think is good enough to post. How long have you been play? Cause that serisouly blew my mind. Just hearing that tells me that you can play so much more. Anyone who can play that can would have to, to be able to perfect something like that.

Hey, thanks man! I'm playing for ten years by now, but unfortunately never had lessons with any instrument, so I guess I ain't that good on the strings.

Again thanks, and if you're intersted in samples of my band (a bit less proggy) check out our site , just click my sig.


a couple of tracks from my solo CD... did all the instruments and vocals

the first track is a prog/power metal thing... has a minute-long moody intro, then into agro-land. verses are subdivided 7/8, but the choruses and solos are all dbl-bass pwr metal

the second track is more prog-metal, with some vai-type soloing in the middle, and ESPECIALLY at the end. as far as my guitar style goes, i'm more influenced by people like paul gilbert, but for some reason, the soloing turned out to be a little more "outside" than usual. heh
the lotr stuff is awesome. did you have any scores or anything? Did you use keyboards?

did you have scores or anything? or did you figure it out just from listening?

how did you mic the guitars?
Splinterhead said:
Hey glad you liked it!:grin:
Actually everything was in my project studio and all the instruments were recorded direct.
bnut what about the drums? are they keyboard?
and did you add distortion on the guitar after? or do you have some type of line-out jack on your amp?
bnut what about the drums? are they keyboard?
and did you add distortion on the guitar after? or do you have some type of line-out jack on your amp?
Drums were courtesy of my Roland R-70 Rhythm Composer. I programmed everything in real time without any quantizing to try to give it a life-like feel. Then I recorded the drums as I would an acoustic kit meaning the snare, bass drum and hi hat would each have there own mono track while the toms and cymbals would each have there own stereo track. In doing that I can add compression, gate, reverb and all that stuff like I normally would with an acoustic kit. It was a pain in the ass but I think the results are better then just taking a submix out of the Roland and using that.
Melodeath said:
did you have scores or anything? or did you figure it out just from listening?

how did you mic the guitars?

Thanks dude!
Yeah, I have all 3 scores here but I didn't control with them, if I was doing it right, thats why there're some parts that are not 100% correct. I did Pt.I from idea to master (remastered it later) in one night with a large amount of beer and funny cigarettes, and didn't care when in the end not everything was note by note.

My Guitar is plugged directly into my soundcard, where IK's Amplitube models the sounds. This has the advantage that you can change the sound even after recording. It's four tracks of rhythm guitars, by the way.

Thx n' see ya,

ambassador kosh said:
@Splinterhead: cool stuff! Is that home-recorded?

Heres a bit of my work at home:

This is a the first half of a song I have to finish yet.
(112Kb mp3 3MB)


Dude, that is fucking awesome!
Is it really you?I would pay for an album's worth of that.
Keep it up.
Thank you. Cool that you like it.
Well, it really is me, but I wisely kept out any solo stuff, cause that is my very weak spot.
Anyway, an album of this stuff is in design right now. If it goes as I plan (which sometimes doesn't) it is gonna be a concept album made up like a soundtrack to a story with a lot of symphonic interludes, solo spots, etc. Most of it still is in my head and will be "filtered" by my band, but think it will turn out to have some cool tunes. Let's see...
