Post something you think sucks that everyone will think you're dumb for hating here.


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
The Beastie Boys.

Why does everybody like them? 90% of everything they've ever made sucks nutz and if anyone who didn't have their hipness released songs like they release they would be laughed out of the fucking culture.
I agree about the Beastie Boys. Every song I've heard by them sounds basically the same. Their vocals are almost identical from song to song. I know that everyone has their own personal vocal style, but it just gets boring to hear what seems to be the same song with different lyrics and different music over and over.
KISS - Give it up
I don't hate Nu-metal as most here:eek: :p
Coffee bites
Beastie Boys ain't nothing special
JLow is not the hottest thing on the planet
& damnit when will ppl get sick of that whining bitch group Coldplay
OK, the other thread reminded me:


Everything up to their most recent album is crap. Or, rather, not crap so much as entirely uninteresting, as in "It's OK, but why would you waste three and a half minutes listening to a U2 song when there are a trillion better songs to listen to in that three-and-a-half minutes?". But even I, a diehard U2-hater, must admit that All That You Can't Leave Behind was a stellar album.

this was supposed to be a pic of the misfits from Jem, but all the pics i could find won't link, dammit. it was funny, trust me. you mean, like, months ago when you said I looked like Glenn Danzig during his Misfits days, that you were actually meaning to insult me?!

forelocked whore.