Post the last book you read and rate it out of 10!


Santa Hat Forever
And also post what you're currently reading (if anything, of course)

The Art of War by Sun Tzu: 7/10 It's ok and makes lots of sense, but I don't see how you could apply any of that to real modern life situations, as I had read it's supposed to be.

Currently halfway through the road, loved the movie and loving the book
Chopper 3 - Hell Hath No Fury Like a Mate Shot in the Arse - 7/10

That was the last book I read, I'm currently reading Chopper 4 - Happiness Is A Warm Gun :D

EDIT - I forgot to rate it :D
Currently reading Stieg Larsson's "The girl who played with fire". Really good so far. It's the second book from his "millennium" trilogy, I saw the movie version of the first one (The girl with the dragon tattoo), also really good.
I was starting to get worried that people didn't read much anymore. :lol:

"The Man With The Getaway Face" by Richard Stark(aka Donald Westlake) 9/10
Parker is pimp.

"Savage Night" by Jim Thompson 5/10
Gimp leg and axed to death.

"If At Faust You Don't Succeed" by Roger Zelazny and Robert Sheckley 10/10
Good mix of humor.

"The Glass Hammer" by K.W. Jeter 7/10
Crazy shit.

"The Essential Ellison: A 50 Year Retrospective" 10/10 Epic

more to come
i move with no sound
used to think i was invisible
til they stopped me mid stride and said "i think I seen a picture of you"
picture that, i said "nah, i just got one of those of faces placed next to an expiration date that changes"
And also post what you're currently reading (if anything, of course)

The Art of War by Sun Tzu: 7/10 It's ok and makes lots of sense, but I don't see how you could apply any of that to real modern life situations, as I had read it's supposed to be.

Currently halfway through the road, loved the movie and loving the book

You'd be pretty darn surprised how much Sun Tzu's tactics and ideas are still implemented into today's combat. I still use a lot of his axioms in my war games.
as soon as you read the book you'll realise the movie is a disgusting, putrid, vile abomination that couldn't have missed the point any harder
the book's a work of genius, you'll love it
"Blood Rites" by Jim Butcher and most definitely a 10. All I have to say is that Harry Dresden is the man!
I think Jingo by Terry Pratchett was the last one I finished. 8/10

At the moment I'm reading Pratchett's Soul Music and Stephen King's The Gunslinger.
Slavoj Žižek - Violence. 3/10

Interesting writing style, pretty funny at times, but all that's presented is fucking annoying and utterly useless theories on capitalism and human nature.
Not much reading after the advent of PSP, but I recently re-read "Real Ultimate Power: The Official Ninja Handbook" by Robert Hamburger and it´s absolutely hilarious. 9/10
Still gotta buy Aliens/Ghosts.