Post the last book you read and rate it out of 10!

The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
10/10 easily. Didn't like every book equally, but all together it felt like having gone through an immense journey. If anyone wants to get into this series and has trouble with the first book, skip it and go straight for nr. 2. Just read it back afterwards. I didn't have any gripe with the first book but I've heard of many people just giving up halfway through, which is a real shame.
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
10/10 easily. Didn't like every book equally, but all together it felt like having gone through an immense journey. If anyone wants to get into this series and has trouble with the first book, skip it and go straight for nr. 2. Just read it back afterwards. I didn't have any gripe with the first book but I've heard of many people just giving up halfway through, which is a real shame.

Think my dad's got them somewhere..... i'll have to hunt around the bookshelves :)
The Lucifer Principal by Howard Bloom. 9/10. Easily one of the most interesting and thought provoking books I've ever read. Its a mixture of science, philosophy and sociology. Very well writen, highly recomend!
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.
10/10 easily. Didn't like every book equally, but all together it felt like having gone through an immense journey. If anyone wants to get into this series and has trouble with the first book, skip it and go straight for nr. 2. Just read it back afterwards. I didn't have any gripe with the first book but I've heard of many people just giving up halfway through, which is a real shame.

Yeah, I'm one of those people...I managed to read the first book but it was a chore. I did attempt to read the second but I gave up as soon as I read something stupid about crab monsters or crab people....I don't really remember, the usual stephen king silliness. I used to be a huge stephen king fan when I was younger, until I realized how many much better authors are out there. There are some of his books that are worth reading though.

This pretty much sums it up :) :

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I recently read a swedish classic series by Vilhelm Moberg called The Emigrants (1st book) should be interested to read for you Americans a little about some of your origin. As much as 1/4 of the Swedish population emigrated in the mid 1850 approx. 1million. There is also a film, made in the 70's which are really good. You can find it here on imdb:

The books are 10/10 a nice read about the struggle of farmers in the 1900century.

Check it out!
Yeah, I'm one of those people...I managed to read the first book but it was a chore. I did attempt to read the second but I gave up as soon as I read something stupid about crab monsters or crab people....I don't really remember, the usual stephen king silliness. I used to be a huge stephen king fan when I was younger, until I realized how many much better authors are out there. There are some of his books that are worth reading though.
I completely understand what you mean. The weird thing about this series was that I really loved the story even tough I don't like his writing style at all. Almost like someone tries to tell you about something awesome that happened to him, but he can't really find the best words for it. I had to fill in the gaps with my imagination so to speak.
I also don't like the dirty details he likes to add here and there. It's just not needed.
Despite all that, I still think this was one hell of a story!
Daniel Abraham - The Dragon's Path 8/10. Show's potential as a series. I loved The Long Price Quartet (except I haven't read the last part yet) and this has the same "easy reading" quality to it; ie. it flows nicely and Abraham writes very well. A bit long on the politics, though.

Terry Pratchett - Snuff 9/10. More "mature" Pratchett, but not forgetting the humour. I don't know if it's the way he's writing these days (speech-to-text) but there's a different feel and rhythm to his books.

Neil Peart - Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road 8/10. I didn't know what to expect, but only that it had gained respect and praise. Motorcycles don't interest me, but the underlying currents of loss, sadness, healing and exuberance for life.. At times heartwrenching and at times joyous. Good book, despite my rating. Rush fans: read it!

Robin Hobb / Megan Lindholm - Inheritance 9/10. A collection of work from "both" writers. I love her style, can't help it.

Vanessa Theme Ament - The Foley Grail 8/10. "The art of performing sound for film, games and animation." Interesting subject and this came highly recommended, but something nagged me, like it didn't go all the way (oo-er!). Have to watch the inclosed DVD, maybe that'll raise the overall score.

George R R Martin - A Dance With Dragons 10/10. More, please? Really, this might be only 7 or 8 out of 10, but it's still damn sight better than most anything out there. I still had this urge to shout "get on with it!" at some point..

Brian Aldiss - Helliconia 6/10. What a chore! A classic, maybe, yes. But a brick of a book in all ways. Very tiring to read and.. I don't know. For a planetary romance with an epic setting and premise, it bogged down for pages and pages on the lives of some peasants. Maybe I missed the point entirely, but still.. A rare book in that I actually contemplated quitting, but glad I did read it through, if for no other reason than now I don't have to come back to it! :p

Been reading a lot since my last review, but I can't be bothered to write about all of them. David Weber's Safehold series, Raymond E. Feist's latest, the whole Dune Saga by Frank Herbert, re-reading Vernor Vinge, etc..
Dan Simmons Hyperion - Book One of the Hyperion Cantos.

I'm going to rate it a pure 10 as it is up there in my list of all time favorite books having now finally read it.

It was a 1990 Hugo and Locus award winner for best science fiction and fantasy. I had read other Simmons books, but had somehow skipped Hyperion, a great oversight I've now corrected. The book is told in The Cantebury Tales frame story format, telling the tales of 7 pilgrims journey to the planet Hyperion all for individual reasons, but all linked by a creature of immense power called the Shrike (one of the scariest creatures ever!).


Since this is a metal related forum it should be noted that the Danish metal band Manticora released a concept album based upon Hyperion.


I'm now in the middle of book two - The Fall of Hyperion.

If you have not read it - you should!