post your guitar collection


Oct 4, 2003
Plano, TX
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just snapped this pic, this is my current collection, from left to right:
RR5, Washburn EC-29, Ibanez RG7421, Ibanez RGT42, Ibanez PF5CENT, Yamaha SE300H

the RR5 is stripped down to the wood, it has a dimarzio x2n in the bridge spot and a duncan seth lover in the neck spot, i run 10-60's tuned standard on it, the Washburn has a Dimarzio X2N bridge pup, and Lace Sensor Light Blue neck pup as well as 29 frets and an ibanez edge tremelo, the RG7421 has Dimarzio Blaze Custom bridge pup, the RGT42 has a duncan distortion bridge and duncan jazz neck, as well as an ibanez edge tremelo, the acoustic's electronics fried so its no longer an acoustic electric, and the yamaha is just in shambles lol... and my Universe will join them probably the end of this month, its shipping UPS ground from guitar center here in WA to my soon to be new(well old, i grew up there) home in dallas, texas on dec 17th
My collection contains 1 guitar:
A Jackson Warrior X-Series


Seriously, I don't care about what wood is used, or neck-construction, it play's decent for that price and it sounds nice, I'm happy as long as it has 24 frets, 2 humbuckers (Duncan Designed Detonators, in a few years I'm gonna change them to DiMarzios or EMGs) and a licenced Floyd rose (maybe I'll change it to an original one one day...)

I've been playing for 2 years now, I know Gavin or Bobvex wouldn't buy such a guitar, but I'm not a pro (yet :D) and well, it works fine for me...
Do I have to post pics of my exact guitars? I only had one pic of my Jazzmaster and it got deleted. Oh well. These are the guitars I have:
Fender Jazzmaster (mine is Olympic white_

Jackson Kelly KE-3 (mine's black)

Gibson Les Paul Custom (mine's sunburst)

Gibson Firebird Studio (mine's ebony)

then i have 2 cheap but decent acoustic guitars i can't find pictures of
bobvex said:


i have alwys wondered this, but do you ever have any trouble reaching the higher frets on your white guitar? looking at the neck, it seems like you would a little bit. or maybe its just me?
Jani Laiho said:
i have alwys wondered this, but do you ever have any trouble reaching the higher frets on your white guitar? looking at the neck, it seems like you would a little bit. or maybe its just me?

Yeah, but how often do i use them?
