Post your hauls here

Impudent said:
As well it should be. People complain about bands ripping off "Transilvanian Hunger" and then when an American black metal band does their own thing they say, "They don't get it!"
Yeah, but I think these sentiments are fading as bands like Xasthur, Leviathan, etc gain popularity and acceptance.
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
Does anybody know how long takes?
A couple days, and that's with me sending my payment in the mail. If you did something like PayPal, it'd probably be even faster. But I live pretty close by. Good distro though, and I'm sure they'll be quick enough for you too.
Last cd I purchased was Windham Hell-Window of shit..
Death Metal vocals but a lot of Instrumental..Classical style guitar solo stuff
Best stuff I've heard in awhile
Impudent said:
A couple days, and that's with me sending my payment in the mail. If you did something like PayPal, it'd probably be even faster. But I live pretty close by. Good distro though, and I'm sure they'll be quick enough for you too.

It's been a week and one day now.
Gates of Ishtar-the dawn of flames
In Thy Dreams-highest beauty
Sacrilege-the fifth season/lost in the beauty you slay
Well, if you live in Ohio you should have definitely got them by now, but if you didn't recieve an email saying your stuff has been shipped, that means they haven't recieved your payment yet. Obviously something fucked up with your order. Email him and ask him what's going. I don't know what else to tell you.
I got the confirmation email so I don't think I fucked up the order. This tends to happen alot to me when I order cds. They never actually email me when my shit ships regardless of where I ordered from. Could it possibly have something to do with the cds I ordered?
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
I got the confirmation email so I don't think I fucked up the order. This tends to happen alot to me when I order cds. They never actually email me when my shit ships regardless of where I ordered from. Could it possibly have something to do with the cds I ordered?
I still say give Chase an email.