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Rapture: underrated band but how do they rip off brave murder day? love everything katatonia besides brave murder day

Maybe should have said heavily influenced by katatonia, daylight days also sounds heavily influenced by katatonia also. I personal think it's cool because so many bands just rip off the same bands over and over so dont not mind. I like the entire melodic harmonies over heavier guitars with growling vocals. I like hearing 2 guitars focus on different aspects while still blending and a lot of bands just don't do it.
there are a lot out there that really dont cut it
daylight dies-maybe 2 good tracks off the new one(nothin to brag bout)
swallow the sun-i actually like quite few songs...but the ones that drag, they reallllly drrrrrraaaagg. 1st song off of ghosts of loss really kicks major ass, love that shit
I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU FUCKING HAG. I am not going to go well rapture and daylight dies sound like katatonia who sounds like old paradise lost who sounds like whatever who sounds like whatever and yadda yadda blah blah. Katatonia still is very different at the sametime and has their own identity. I don't think to myself holy shit katatonia brave murder day sounds a lot like shades of god despite katatonia probably kissing their ass since day one.
Remember when "ace ventura" walked through the corpse concert...they were playing staring through the eyes of the dead lmao
I thought they were playing Hammer Smashed Face? They showed Barnes super low growls there too shortly, that's one reason I can't get into the 3 previous CC albums, those low ass vocals, I wish I could get into them but I can't, I like traditional death lows.
maybe it was hammer smashed, been long time since i seen it
not big corpse fan but bleeding is good
dude lemme ask you:
is there any profile pic appearing?? im trying to put cool katatonia pic up and maybe im just retarded today
Wikipedia said:
Jim Carrey opted to put his favorite band, Cannibal Corpse, into the movie; they appear in the scene where Ace goes to meet Woodstock, on stage playing the song Hammer Smashed Face. The band is incorrectly listed in the credits as 'Cannibal Corpses'.

This weeks review haul:

One Man Army (new one)
Dew Scented (new one)
Middian (new one)
Dead Synicate (new one)
Dark Disciple (new one)
Diabolical Masquerade - Deaths Design
Griffin (new one)