Post your hauls here

tomorrow I'm probably going to order Kreator - Endless Pain. man, all I've been listening to lately is thrash.
Going to buy more Razorback Records stuff...

Fondlecorpse-Blood and Popcorn
F.K.U-Metal Moshing Mad
Impetigo-Ultimo Mondo Cannibale
So there are things that you buy that you haven't heard that aren't blind buys? How do you pull that off?
Today in the mail.

PROCLAMATION - Advent Of The Black Omen
BESTIAL RAIDS - Reversed Black Trinity
DARKNESS ETERNAL - Misanthropic Annihilation
Nifelheim - Servants Of Darkness
VADER - And Blood Was Shed In Warsaw (DVD)
MORBOSIDAD - Legions Of The Unholy & Demonic Plague And Deadly Commands (DVD)
How do you like it? From my few listens I don't think it's as strong as Lucifer Rising.

No, I didn't miss this post. Anyway, I just got it yesterday, I've played it about a half dozen times, and I think that it's excellent. I'm not familiar with their full-lengths enough to give an accurate comparison, however.