Post your hauls here

Haha at least you guys have good close record shops. I have to drive an a half an hour or hour,traffic differs, to get to Metal Haven.
Ghoul- Splatterthrash
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

Done with Deathspell Omega, I have two splits and three full lengths.

I need one more Ghoul and than I am done.
Got some deals at Newbury Comics on some new goodies and an old classic.

Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today - $11
Immortal - Pure Holocaust - $7
Limbonic Art - Legacy of Evil - $9

Also got a copy of The Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour as an Xmas gift for my mother, but not before uploading it to iTunes.


I sent a cash order so if it gets lost or stolen in the mail I'll be very pissed off.
HIM: venus doom, dark light
Entombed: serpent saints
Death Breath: let it stink
Abigor - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
Abigor - Apokalypse
Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
Abigor - Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan
Absu - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie
Hemlock - Lust For Fire
Strid - Strid
Thorns - Stigma Diabolicum
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells (original)
Unleashed - Shadows In The Deep (original)
Abigor - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
Abigor - Apokalypse
Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
Abigor - Channeling The Quintessence Of Satan
Absu - Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie
Hemlock - Lust For Fire
Strid - Strid
Thorns - Stigma Diabolicum
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells (original)
Unleashed - Shadows In The Deep (original)
Quite a few legendary releases there. I also placed my order in for the Strid and Thorns cds, plus I added Tribulation - Putried Rebirth EP to round the order out.
I was wondering who ordered the Tribulation EP along with the Strid CD, since it was the only thing listed aside from the albums I bought in the "Customers who bought this product also purchased" section. :p Really excellent EP, by the way, I'm looking forward to seeing where Tribulation goes in the future.