Post your hauls here

Bloodbath ~the wacken carnage(cd & DVD)
Lacuna Coil ~unleashed memories
Daylight Dies ~lost to the living
(yet to be delivered)

Diamond Head-Borrowed Time (tape lol)

Judas Priest - Jugulator

Tank - War Of Attrition Live

Manowar - The Hell Of Steel
Just keep listening to Filosofem. It will make sense when you hear it at just the right time.
Yeah, give it more time. That track annoyed the hell out of me the first time I listened to that album. It didn't help that it was like the 5th extreme metal album I'd ever heard coming from a Heavy/Thrash background.
Children of Bodom - Blooddrunk

Very solid album, definitely. Great fucking riffage. The keyboards are kinda lol sometimes but hey it's signature CoB. Vocals are rough but understandable and fit the music well.
Yesterday a friend of mine decided that he didn't like metal anymore. I got from him -

Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
Vader - Impressions in Blood
Death - Spiritual Healing, Scream Bloody Gore
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness

I also bought And Blood Was Shed in Warsaw, a Vader DVD.

About a week ago, I bought Sons of Northern Darkness by Immortal, and Slaughter of the Soul by At The Gates.