Post your hauls here

i hate buying cds and the cases come cracked :mad:

It cost like .08$ to replace it. Just buy some cases and replace the cracked one when you get them.

It's also a good idea to ask for cds shipped without cases when you trade or buy used's a lot lower on shipping.
I thought you hate Peste Noire...

That Forest Of Stars record never clicked with me for some reason...

I don't but I figure I can sell them off if I don't want 'em or use 'em as trade fodder.

The AFoS is really good, very unique and absolutely one of the best BM releases in the past few years.
It cost like .08$ to replace it. Just buy some cases and replace the cracked one when you get them.

It's also a good idea to ask for cds shipped without cases when you trade or buy used's a lot lower on shipping.

who sells jewel cases? only ones ive seen are those multi colored ones that look like shit

Nice. I meant the red one from Kneel Before the Master's Throne.

It's also a good idea to ask for cds shipped without cases when you trade or buy used's a lot lower on shipping.

Yeah but ometimes the jewel case is a part of the show - ie. Incantations' Infernal Storm - :)
Medieval - Medieval Kills/S/T EP
Barathrum - Hailstorm/Eerie
Mandatory - Exiled In Pain
Rat Attack - S/T
Sinister - Diabolical Summoning/Cross The Styx

