Post your hauls here

I had a fucking AMAZING haul today.

The Chasm - Deathcult For Eternity
The Chasm - Spell of Retribution
The Chasm - Conjuration of the Spectral Emptire
The Chasm - Procession to the Infraworld
Eucharist - A Velvet Creation
Entombed - Left Hand Path
Dissection - The Somberlain

Agreed. Great stuff. Left Hand Path is one of my fav albums all time period.
Gris-"Il etait une foret..." and Behexen-"Rituale Satanas" have been shipped.

Finally got my new copies of "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" and "Transylvanian Hunger" today. Lost them awhile back. Interviews are cool.
how's the Ulver? I'd like to get Themes from the William Blake album.

I doubt you'd enjoy that album. The majority of the album's running time is spoken word and really quiet passages, and it's not metal at all.
I'm doing the same thing now myself. Lost a lot of music over the years from moving around so much, shit getting stolen, ruined, borrowed and never returned, etc. It's a pain.

I don't lend shit out to people anymore unless it's family. I just burn a copy for them. I lent someone 300 bucks and I haven't seen a cent of it since then. I learned my lesson the hard way.
I'm doing the same thing now myself. Lost a lot of music over the years from moving around so much, shit getting stolen, ruined, borrowed and never returned, etc. It's a pain.

I RARELY let people borrow stuff. Like two people I can think of, but we kinda trade, so if they lose something I keep theirs. Mostly from moving and god damn ex's. My last one took like 40 cds and moved to Ohio. But I heard she got cervical cancer so ha. I have a list of "re-buys" actually. It's too big.
Desultory - Into Eternity (FUCKING AWESOME)
Dio - Dream Evil
Iced Earth - Night of the Stormrider
Laaz Rockit - City's Gonna Burn
Desultory - Into Eternity (FUCKING AWESOME)

I was originally going to get all pissed off and what not because I was looking for that a while ago and couldn't find it for less than an arm and a leg. I just looked again and found an original pressing on Gemm from a very reputable UK seller for $9. Ordered.