Post your hauls here

Finally took advantage of The End's Xmas sale to buy these fine pieces of work:

Ansur - Warring Factions
Lunarsea - Route CODE Selector





xmas eve was fucking wonderful.. I setup a date with the hot new medical assistant from work this afternoon, came home to some kickass mail, and got some awesome gifts tonight(we celebrate and give gifts xmas eve night(12am) because opening gifts drunk off your ass is much more awesome than the lame traditional way)

I've probably only bought about 30-40 cds these past 3 months, which is a lot less than I was doing in the summertime(40+ a month), because I've collecting has just started to lose it's appeal. I'm sure I'll do it next year, but It will be no where near my 08 levels. I'm guessing 100 cds for the year will be my goal. anyways, here's some of the gems i've picked up this fall.


mike, it's coming. calm down, negro
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (remaster)
Candlemass - Nightfall (remaster)
Profanum - Musaeum Esotericum
Profanum - Misantropiae Floris
Emperor-Anthems To The Welkin at Dusk
The Doors-S/t
Jethro Tull-Aqualung Live
Testament-The New Order (I lost my first copy)
those profanum cds are awesome
Musaeum Esotericum is one of my favourite albums. I've been meaning to get a legitimate copy for ages but only just got around to it. I haven't heard Misantropiae Floris before, although I'm hoping it's just as good.
you just need "Profanum Aeternum - Eminence Of Satanic Imperial Art" and you will be all set. that's another classical cd with black metal vocals and drums. you've probably heard it. very haunting
Sinoath - Under the Ashes
Onirik - Spectre
Storm Legion - The Eye of the Prophet
Macabre Omen - The Ancient Returns
Necroccultus - Encircling the Mysterious Necrorevelation
Defeated Sanity - Prelude to the Tragedy

all on sale at Moribund


lol i got this 2

For music, I've gotten:

Blue Cheer - Vincebus Eruptum
Queen - Queen II
Queen - Greatest Hits (which I'll exchange for one of the other early albums)
Swans - Children of God/World of Skin