Post your hauls here

So I finally got paypal, and now I'm buying lots more CDs.

Currently awaiting the arrival of:
Deadchovsky - Spiritus Sancti Bizarre
Bishop of Hexen - The Nightmarish Compositions
Face Down - The Will to Power
Darkness of Blood - A Dream of Vampires in Astral Dementia

The albums by Bishop of Hexen and Face Down I've been wanting for a long time but can now finally buy them - they're both awesome. Deachovsky is great, and the Darkness of Blood CD is rather hard to find.

Just bought these off ebay:
Suspiria - Drama
The New Creatures - Cunning, Baffling, Powerful!
Theatres des Vampires - Vampyrìsme, Nècrophilie, Nècrosadisme, Nècrophagie

The Suspiria album is $45 but that's the cheapest I've seen it for, at least a good kept condition one. The other two are also rare.
Awesome, I need to check Ebay out for Suspiria CD's then. I really want to get The New Creatures as well. Speaking of which, I should order The Clan of Xymox's Creaturs CD sometime soon. You've made me a Goth Rock fan.:)
I've ordered stuff from there that was first backordered, then two months later they say it will ship soon, then a month later they say it was never in stock in the first place and that the order was cancelled.
I've ordered stuff from there that was first backordered, then two months later they say it will ship soon, then a month later they say it was never in stock in the first place and that the order was cancelled.

It can take an indeterminately long amount of time to actually process and ship your order if they have your items in stock (which you can never be sure of based on them claiming stock on the item description page).

Ah ok, thanks. Do you guys know of a good site out there where I can purchase cds from? I'm just looking for a general one thats reliable that has a wide selection of stuff - or should I just avoid these types of sites altogether?
Ah ok, thanks. Do you guys know of a good site out there where I can purchase cds from? I'm just looking for a general one thats reliable that has a wide selection of stuff - or should I just avoid these types of sites altogether?

Just use Amazon for general CD purchasing. There are plenty of great distros out there depending on exactly what type of music you're looking for. Refer to the distro review thread.
Akroma- Sept
Black Messiah- Sceptre of Black Knowledge
Borknagar- The Archaic Course
Candlemass- Nightfall (have listened to several times, but never owned)
Daemonicium- Through Time and Death
Dark Tranquillity- Skydancer
Luna Ad Noctum- The Perfect Evil in Mortal
Summoning- Minas Morgul
Ah ok, thanks. Do you guys know of a good site out there where I can purchase cds from? I'm just looking for a general one thats reliable that has a wide selection of stuff - or should I just avoid these types of sites altogether?

If you want Black or Death Metal try Hell's Headbangers.
Just use Amazon for general CD purchasing. There are plenty of great distros out there depending on exactly what type of music you're looking for. Refer to the distro review thread.

I don't think amazon takes paypal, but I will check that thread out.

If you want Black or Death Metal try Hell's Headbangers.

Basically I was just interested in a site that would have many styles of music I like (metal, gothic, industrial, non-metal etc) so I can buy a few cds at once, instead of individually each time and I guess it's easier to keep tabs on things and less shipping costs. I figure if I want an obscure release then I'll purchase it from the band, their label or ebay. I'll see what they have there though, thanks.

Previously I had bought a couple cds via paypal through a couple band's myspace and didn't have any issues. It only took about week to arrive. And well, since recently getting paypal of my own I bought cds from these bands/labels:
Deadchovsky (Manic Depression Records)
Face Down (Black Lodge Records)
Darkness of Blood (Asenath Records)
Bishop of Hexen (off their myspace)

Just ordered them last week, so I'll see how it goes.