So I finally got paypal, and now I'm buying lots more CDs.
Currently awaiting the arrival of:
Deadchovsky - Spiritus Sancti Bizarre
Bishop of Hexen - The Nightmarish Compositions
Face Down - The Will to Power
Darkness of Blood - A Dream of Vampires in Astral Dementia
The albums by Bishop of Hexen and Face Down I've been wanting for a long time but can now finally buy them - they're both awesome. Deachovsky is great, and the Darkness of Blood CD is rather hard to find.
Just bought these off ebay:
Suspiria - Drama
The New Creatures - Cunning, Baffling, Powerful!
Theatres des Vampires - Vampyrìsme, Nècrophilie, Nècrosadisme, Nècrophagie
The Suspiria album is $45 but that's the cheapest I've seen it for, at least a good kept condition one. The other two are also rare.