Post your hauls here

Criterion - The Dominant
Estuary - The Craft Of Contradiction
Finntroll - "Nifelvind" CD + Shirt
Moulded Flesh - In The Hands Of Evil
Setherial - Endtime Divine
Shadow Cut - Pictures Of Death
Vedonist - Awaking To Immortality
Blood Red Throne - Come Death
Estuary! Nice. First time I've seen that name mentioned in years outside of my own mentioning of it.

also, forgot to add Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife to my list up there.
AMBER ASYLUM - Bitter River
VASAELETH - Crypt Born & Tethered To Ruin
IMPETUOUS RITUAL - Relentless Execution Of Ceremonial Excrescence
Destroyer 666 - shirt

I got a D666 Shirt in the mail toaday as well along with a hefty haul of general weirdness from Aquarius,what D666 shirt is yours if ya don't mind me asking,i thought i was getting the Aussie Tour shirt but instead i got this kickass shirt which just says on the front in bold white lettering 'Australian & Anti-christ' but on the back is a nice wolfhead drawing with 'Werewolf Command' and some lyrics,D666 has always had cool lyrics,anyway it's a sick shirt and got some looks in it today out and about,anyway enough gay banter,these weirdo Aquarius albums,most are fucking cool tbh from what i've heard:
Teenage Filmstars-Rocket Charms/Buy Our Record Support Our Sickness
Rusted Shut-Dead
True Widow-S/T
Loop-Heavens End
King Kong Ding Dong-Youth Culture Index
Cold Cave-Love Comes Close
Home Blitz-Out Of Phase
Yeah right,there must've been a few different designs printed up,i was running short on $ at the Hobart gig and blew what little money i had on drinks,I did'nt see one like i got today there,although they would've sold most of them at the mainland gigs prior to coming to Tas,this one does'nt have dates or anything,I bought it off Thea at Metal Mayhem as a tour shirt coz that's what i wanted,this one has lyrics on the back and no dates,it's still a friggin sweet shirt tho.
my fiancee is going to end my life if I dont quit buying cds all of a sudden

Asphyx - Last One on Earth
Ex Dementia - Thou Shall Repulse
Iced Earth - Horror Show 2cd
Impaled - Death After Life
Malodrous - Amarnthine Redolence
Blaze Inside - Pure Potenciality
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete

aw well. for 46 bucks total i couldnt resist.

I take it you bought from CMD? I also got the Saprogenic, Malodrous, Impaled, and Asphyx stuff from them.
Continuing the theme of trying to get myself killed...

Opeth - The Candlelight Years (Morningrise, Orchid, My Arms Your Hearse box set)

This one seemed pretty cool for 15 bucks... didnt have any of them so that made it easy.

Sin of Kain - The End

Blind buy here... but look at this album art

Thats worth 6 bucks for me. :lol:

Bought the fiance a 2cd deluxe lady gaga whatever to attempt to diffuse the fight over me buying more cds.
Iced Earth - The Crucible of Man
Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon
Illdisposed - There's Something Rotten in the State of Denmark
Illdisposed - Burn Me Wicked
Moonsorrow - Suden Uni
Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta
Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
Moonsorrow - V: Hävitetty
Moonsorrow - Tulimyrsky
Stormlord - The Gorgon Cult
Stormlord - At the Gates of Utopia