Post your hauls here

Primeval Mass - A Solemn Maelstrom
Dead Inside - S/T
Occult - Of Flesh and Blood
Cryptic Tales - VII Dogmata of Mercy
Thy Rites - Thy Infernal Coronation
Ancient - The Halls of Eternity
Sokrovenno - De Rerum Natura
Twilight Ophera - The End of the Halcyon Age
Sammath Naur - Self Proclaimed Existence


Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Thy Serpent - Lords of Twilight/Forest of Witchery 2CD
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
Satyricon - The Shadowthrone

To my recent hall
Crionics - Human Error: Ways to Self Destruction
Sodom - Code Red
Toxic Holocaust - An Overdose of Death
Coroner - Grin
Kreator - Violent Revolution
Morbid Angel - Gateways to Annihilation
Destruction - The Antichrist
Exodus - Tempo of the Damned
Keep of Kalessin - Agnen: A Journey Through the Dark
The whole Kataklysm discography :) including the first 2 EPs and both versions of Victims of this Fallen World. Don't care if people don't like them, Kataklysm rule.

A lot of their stuff is solid... but Sorcery is one of the greatest, most overlooked death metal albums of all time, imo.
Anyone wanna point me towards a distro with lots of black metal and a buy 3 get 1 free deal? (probably too much to ask for)
Dark Forest - Dark Forest
Hour of 13 - The Ritualist
Apostle of Solitude - Last Sunrise

get hour of 13/apostle of solitude at the end you posers!
Last week, I purchased these online.

London After Midnight - Selected Scenes From the End of the World (picture disc)
London After Midnight - Kiss (picture disc)
London After Midnight - Psycho Magnet (picture disc)
Corpus Delicti - Twilight
Corpus Delicti - Obsessions
Corpus Delicti - Sarabands
Les Tétines Noire - Fauvisme Et Pense-Bête
Sombre Chemin - Notre Héritage Ancestral
I now know why I didnt buy cds in the past.

I'm engaged, have a baby on the way, and no job... and I'm wasting the money I have on cds. :lol:

Naglfar - Harvest
Naglfar - Sheol
Naglfar - Diabolical
Naglfar - Pariah
Has anyone seen the documentary on the At The Gates DVD? I'm wondering how much focus lies on SOTS (the lionshare I suppose?). Is it worth buying if you're more interested in the early days of the band?