Post your hauls here

Armour - Armour (CD + shirt)
The River - Drawing Down The Sun
Mortem - Demon Tales
Pan.Thy.Monium - Dawn of Dreams/Khaooohs
Mastodon - Remission, Leviathan, Blood Mountain

Judas Priest - British Steel
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
Death - Sound Of Perseverance
Rush - Moving Pictures

The Black Sabbath CD I've wanted for a while, fucking love that band.

Has anyone seen the documentary on the At The Gates DVD? I'm wondering how much focus lies on SOTS (the lionshare I suppose?). Is it worth buying if you're more interested in the early days of the band?

Well, I bought the DVD today, and I was surprised that almost over an hour of the documentary is devoted entirely to early ATG. Recommended. :)

Regarding the Wacken show on disc 2, hearing Windows, All Life Ends, and Kingdom Gone with that kind of kickass sound quality, holy fuck what monsters they turn into. A whole new dimension is added to the songs.
waiting on some goodies





fear of god - within the veil
vomiturition - head tales
pestilence - consuming impulse
necrosis - enslaved to the machine
crionic - different(trade copy)
dark half - reborn(trade copy)
nope :/. however, the guy who sold it to me has another copy for sale that's a bit cheaper, it's cheaper cause the front cover has a few indentions. pm me if u want his contact info
Absolutely awesome album. Just as good as Black Millennium in my opinion.

Mutiilation in general is one of my favorite black metal bands. He does stuff I've never heard in bm before... and just creates a bizarre atmosphere.
I actually wish there was just a couple more bands like him.
Psycroptic - The Isle of Disenchantment
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
Testament - The Formation of Damnation
Illdisposed - The Prestige
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Kreator - Renewal
Vomitory - Redemption
Vomitory - Revelation Nausea
Nirvana 2002 - Recordings 89-91
Turbo - Last Warrior
Burzum - Belus
Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos
Zuul - Out Of Time
Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice Of Steel