Post your jumping pics here!

I would in a heartbeat if my life wasn't completely established here. Actually, I probably already would have heh.
kevin, thats because you have mild summers. its gets to 115 some days here in the summer. thats fucked up.
I've spent many a summer in Phoenix and loved every bit of it. I am just a hot weather kind of person. I'd rather be warmer than colder under any circumstance. Maybe I'm cold-blooded.
winter and autumn ftw.

Ski trips, warm tea/ alcoholic sider in a warm house, cuddles under a warm blanket, playing in the snow,
walking outside without sweating after 5 minutes, showing off my awesome jacket/ boots collection,
going outside and running inside for a warm bubble bath, have I already mentioned ski trips? :p
Well hey you guys go have your awesome fun cuddly ski adventures in the winter and autumn. Come see me this summer when you're ready to float down the river on an innertube with beers in your lap and joints behind your ears and campfires on the shore and drive in movies at night.
All seasons are great, you just have to learn how to appreciate the positive things of all four. I'm definitely ready for some warm spring weather this year.
i used to like summers before i lived in the valley, and im sure i will like them again once i leave this accursed valley, but for now summer ist mein enemy! :mad:
i'd be happy with year-long autumn or spring. i do like summer though...there's nothing like a good summer thunderstorm here. and locusts! hearing them chirping every summer makes me happy. 100+ degrees F, does not.

winter's fun at first, but i get tired of it real quick.
Grand Canyon. A rare jump indeed!
