post your pic.....

that's me in norway last year...surrounded by the northern silence :)

Weathered said:
actually she does not look very happy ^^

Ofcourse she doesn't, because I woke her up :lol: Anyway, I just post my pics, we don't need to make discussion am I look like gay or not... Keep that for yourself..I know that I don't look like 'metalhead' than rather like I just came from us5 or tokyo hotel, but trust me, I am REAL metalhead, but from the 'inside'... Thanx for understanding.. :) And by the why, I would't really look very good with long hair, would I? :headbang:
I don't have MANY pics at the moment, but that is me in the av....of course, photoshopped to a certain degree, heh.

Also, sorry, but I laughed my ass off at the backstreet boy comment....hehe.

Also, I looked around earlier in this thread and must say Angelica is a damn fine-looking girl. Just had to mention that.
Ok, enough with the hole "dark end evil and tr00" thing now..
heres me baking gingercookies with my daughter:

from left: my daughter Sol, my sisters son Viktor and her daughter Alva

and finaly, my wife and daughter on my dads boat in the swedish arcipelago:
Well, doom_death, you had it coming posting those pics.
I mean come on, the 1st pic, thank god the camera didn´t focus any lower, you had me at your hairy upper leg. The 2nd one, what do you want from me? those tempting, the spreaded legs again. The 3rd one, yea, take a shower, you are dirty, don´t forget the soap...

np: frederic - boulevard boy
I was already clean by taking that photo :lol: Well, I admit that photos are littlebit gay-ish, but hell now....I didn't expect such reactions on my 'backstreet boy' look :loco: And about second pic...tempting look?? I look like fucking murderer totally freaky...
But it wouldn´t be entirely fair of me judging you without giving you something to joke about now would it. Here, let me make it up to you.

Here´s my band, we share the same bed.


We even shower together, how gay is that!


Oh, this is me.


.....enough with the gayjokes already!

np: frederic - boulevard boy
Fair enough ;) Well, your band looks like batch of cripples, but I think it was your intention :headbang: And yes, you don't look like gay, but if I decide to let my hair grow up and also my beard, I wouldn't look like homosexual metalhead anymore :lol:
