Post your pics, we´re all curious!

aww dhatura I didnt know ur name was martha.. I like that name!

Im definately seeing a pattern! Long hair...clearly the in rock and roll thing at the moment.. or shades..
Here's one of me and the girls, i was on me xmas night out with work there, i'm the dizzi dyed blonde one :loco:

eh up, i've not been keeping up with thread like i usually do .... some points to consider..
1. so is Stevenk a bird or a bloke?
2. vikki is secretly the guy outa the rasmus (hahah still fucking cracks me up)
3. hey martha sure thing, if ever i am somewhere other than england i'll give yer a bell like, im into this intercontinental shite at the mo
4. no problems about the comment, you're just not one of these up their own arse birds, your personality stands alone (very good quality) but thats not to say you've got a face like a wet weekend either cuz your very pretty too
5. oi missy, i am not off me bonce :yell: ;)
6. some proper interesting pieces of hair metal ass flying round this forum, but i already have a partner of questionable gender....thats not vik by the way.
7. dunc that bass is a bit of alrite lad