Post your sad crap here:

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Hahaha I wasn't sure if you were being seirous Maiden! :p

:Smokin: <<< Hes a happy guy! :yow:

Get well soon mutantllama :(
Hahaha I wasn't sure if you were being seirous Maiden! :p

:Smokin: <<< Hes a happy guy! :yow:

Now that would of been some sneaky shit right there...Buuuuuut not true...I just thought to myself...F*CK IT....I thought I'd do a Beckham and kick use a curved ball...I thought people might get a laugh out of it like I did.......:lol::lol::lol:

Well that helped.

So sad, so sad...but I got a new psychiatrist! Yay! My old one was a dick.
my good neighbor's rug shop got torched by riff raffs. he has now nothing to his name but his remaining rugs at his home. i only hope the best for him. i will make some donations.
Heres my sad shit.
I took my girlfriend of 6 months to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra and paid $80 for tickets. Anyway she wouldent kiss me or hug me and I put my hand next to hers and she moved hers away so i asked her whats up. This is what i get in response "I love you but just not as much as before. Long relationships make me uncomfterble." So we make a mutual decision to 'part'. Anyway yesterday I found out 1 of my 'better' friends had asked her out and I also learned that they had been talking for a week before me and her broke up. And this bastard knew how much I loved her.

But that is life cant do much about it.
And just going to say... Anyone who sais there are more fish in the sea to ANYONE is a dumbass. Seriously.
Why is anyone who says that a dumbass? It's true.

Me and my ex gf had things in common like having ADHD and trouble because of it. She ended up breaking up with me and I thought I would never find another girl like her. I don't need one like her though, I go to school in Hong Kong now and there are a lot more opportunities here.

In other words. Fuck her, find someone else.

Anyway no sad crap really. I occasionally get that feeling that life has no point and all but I'm fine now. I'm now more confident, and more social and overall more positive. Except for when I worry about the future.
No there aren't. That girl is the only one in the universe that that guy will ever be satisfied with.
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