Post your sad crap here:

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Ah, the language of Science, I've never taken it but I might have a little bit of an edge due to my Spanish skills. My dad still doesn't think Latin (and Greek) could've derived from Ancient Egyptian. I'm no history wiz but the Gods are pretty similar. Like how Anubis's full name is Hermanubis and he's the messanger of the Gods, which Hermes is in Greek mythology. I think Appollos chariot is linked to the boat that would fly across the sky in Egyptian mythology with Gods on board, but it didn't pull the sun, I forgot what it did.

Although there are differences, for one the Egyptian ones don't fuck up as much as the Greek ones. I don't think there are any DemiGods in Egyptian mythology either.
The concept of Hermanubis (and others, like Serapis) came waaay after the Greeks (and later Romans) and Egyptians were trading.

And whoever told you guys that latin and greek derived from egyptian is a fucking retard lol

Plus, most didn't take the stories as ultimate realities anyway (yes, many laymen did, but for the greeks part they thought of them more as moral stories than as cosmological explanations. The egyptians were more than likely the same, as shown by the slew of differing hierarchies and different groupings of different gods (ennead's, ogdoad's, and even stints in monotheism - this latter more political than anything)
^that blows :( its always a nice surprise though, when you've waited so long you forgot you ordered a shirt, and then it shows up!! i hope it gets to you soon!!!

i have mono :(

BUT i got it from my favorite hockey team's assistant coach's son. so i have awesome mono!!! GO CAPS!!!
I F*CKING hate ebay you can't trust the little :yell:F*CKERS, I've been waiting 3-4 months for a friggin full print KILLERS shirt from the so called big EDDIE'S store, now I just want my money back.

Ouch 3-4months!! Long time man hope they come soon. Still, not as bad as you winning the item then the fucker relisting it 2 days after and ignores all attempts of communication :mad:
Oh yeah I hate it when people on ebay do shit like that! My mum just lost some money, the seller put the item up as normal, took her cash, and then disappeared! I think shes claiming though!
OK, last week I had to sack my secretary tell me if this is just.

OK, last week was my birthday and I didn't feel well waking up on the morning, I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my wife would be in a good mood and at least say happy birthday....nothing....I thought...well that's :yell:F*CKING MARRIAGE FOR YOU.

I mumbled to myself At least the f*cking kids will remember...:yell:BITCH.... my kids came down the stairs for breakfast, not a f*cking word.

SO, when I left for work I felt like..WTF..Wot did I do to deserve this crap and from my kids who I love with a passion, the little :yell:C**TS.

As I walked into work my secretary said good morning Adrian..I said good morning Jane..she said and Happy Birthday Adrian. As I walked to my office I had A tear run down my face as I was thinking of my family and how they didn't give a F*CK about me.

Time was 1pm, the secretary came into my office and said Adrian seems its your birthday would you like to get some lunch, my shout...I said Jane that's the nicest thing anyone has asked me all day, so yes lets go.

We went to lunch, but we didn't end up going to our normal coffee shop, instead Jane chose a quiet bistro, we had 2 beers each and a light lunch, Jane's not a big eater.

SO, on the way back to the office Jane asked, do we have to go straight back to we..I said I guess not Jane I've had a shit of a morning it can't get any worse.

Jane asked if we could pop into her house on the way, its just around the corner...OK I said...We get to Jane's house and as soon as we are in she said I'm just going to the bathroom I'll be out in a minute, please make yourself at home Adrian she said with a sexy smile....So I did.

After a few minutes Jane comes out carrying a BIRTHDAY CAKE followed by my wife my kids and my friends and co-workers singing :yell:HAPPY F*CKING BIRTHDAY.

I just sat there....

On her :yell:F*CKING COUCH

F*CKING NAKED.......:lol:
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