post your sexy pics here


Y helo thar. So you're the chica who has an entire thread dedicated to her boobs on the CoB forum?
umm... no thanks. Greece in July and August? too much heat for my taste, and you are forgetting that I'll be in Athens (not only on Evia)... lovely stench of Athens... reek of putrifaction... o_O
plus, I hear I'll get to see Wotan. again. :Smug::puke:

Im with Tee on this one... there is no way in hell I'll ever find myself in that
area of the world around July/August... hot, humid, stinks, full of tourists...
September/October is a much better time to go... plus, it doesn't really get cold in Greece (or Israel too) until October/ November!

Maybe when I'm there for 5 weeks in october I'll go to Greece for a weekend...
hmmmmmmmmmmmm ....