post your sexy pics here

Hey, I'm all for pissing in bongs. *high five*


One time we poured milk and jack daniels into our bong.... it was interesting

On Dirty Sanchez they piss in the bong and the guy smokes his pubes. :lol:

And that somehow still sounds less stomach turning than what you said :p
And by interesting you mean completely fucking disgusting?

I'm amazed, those were exactly the words that popped in my head when I read her post... literally word for word. :lol:
Wow I a really shocked. I wouldn't expect such laziness from someone who partakes in the smoking of Marijuana... oh, wait.. nevermind. :lol:

:lol: I want to piss in it. Potato/Potato.

You're right, my idiotic attempt at comedy could never satiate your stoner humour...
at first i thought you were just some jackass that uses way too many :lol: and laughs too much at his own stupid jokes, but these above statements paint a more detailed picture of your personality, and it doesnt look good. fuck off back to the shit forum you came from, we're already bursting at the seams with assholes.
at first i thought you were just some jackass that uses way too many :lol: and laughs too much at his own stupid jokes, but these above statements paint a more detailed picture of your personality, and it doesnt look good. fuck off back to the shit forum you came from, we're already bursting at the seams with assholes.

And this kind of approach deals with the problem how? I'm not here to fight with anyone or troll the board. You don't like me, guess what my friend, there's an ignore function. You've been here since 2001, I'd think you'd know that by now.
oh i dont need to ignore anyone, its easy enough to scroll past your posts. just letting you know that you're an ass, and that im not enjoying your shtick thus far.