post your sexy pics here

Bubble wrap, a piece of newspaper and a big ol' ghetto jug of booze.. it's like a fucking homeless person's survival kit. :lol:

You really need to get some frames for your setlists... they sell them at the dollar store for like, A DOLLAR! But seriously, they canget ruined easily... I had some unfortunate accidents with setlist before so now I have them all framed (with whatever goodies I have from the show.. picks, backstage passes, tickets, etc) on my wall. Looks better too!

The newspaper and bubble wrap were protecting my new bong (the one on the printer). And I'm way too lazy to frame those setlists. They're just pieces of paper.
The newspaper and bubble wrap were protecting my new bong (the one on the printer). And I'm way too lazy to frame those setlists. They're just pieces of paper.
Wow I a really shocked. I wouldn't expect such laziness from someone who partakes in the smoking of Marijuana... oh, wait.. nevermind. :lol: And yeah, I understand to you they're just pieces of paper, it makes it easier when the time comes that you need them to roll a joint and smoke them.

I want to smoke that bong!

:lol: I want to piss in it. Potato/Potato.
Personally I feel that joke had potential, perhaps without the ":lol:" or the "Potato/Potato" it would have been significantly more effective.
Well, he's maybe contriving the humour a little at this point, but he'll probably get over that.

Or realise we're all laconic, morose bastards.
I would like to revise my previous post to:

"I want to smoke that bong and blow it in the new guy's face!"
I'm glad I managed to avoid being referred to as "the new guy" when I migrated over here not long ago.