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on saturday i decided to be super unmetal and shave my beard, i'm glad i did though, i was getting tired of my beard, i kept the soulpatch (which i'm going to keep growing) and sideburns though


the only thing i regret is i didn't ever try to buy beer to see if they card me, most people said i looked like i was 25
Oddly, today I shaved my beard off for the first time in over a year. I'm going in for surgery tomorrow, and they asked me to take it off for the oxygen while they work on my nose.


I figured I'd do it for work today, to show all the girls that I really do look 15 when I shave.


EDIT: Just to clarify, I've broken my nose several times, causing my nasal passages to become contorted. They're going in to realign them so I can breathe through my nose.

Wish me luck! I go in at Noon tomorrow!