post your sexy pics here

Today I had the razor in my hand in preparation for typical beard trimming, but then I decided that since it's halfway through September now, that I will grow a fatty beard again. So alas I don't plan on shaving for a while. Fat beard, welcome home :)
omg...fairy pics!!!!

Ur like, really cute n stuff :oops:
Tyler: good luck with the surgery!!!! :)
Let us know how it went, and I'm allowing you to take another pic after the surgery again, without your shirt on and stuff.... you know,
since I'm allowing you to do so....


You're maybe the third or fourth person I'd kiss in that picture.

Not last, though.

Not last.

Ur like, really cute n stuff :oops:

That post cracked me up!! haha

Brooks: chick drinks party?
Hey lardfag, I think Cover Girl just released a new shade of black lipstick, better go rush to the store and pick some up before you go to your big dick sucking rally in the OMGSATANICARMY.
Don't try to counter-troll ledmag, dumbass. He's immune to anything you can throw at him.

omg...fairy pics!!!!

You said "pics", so you owe us more than one.
Brooks: chick drinks party?

Sort of. It was my friend Farryn's mother's birthday party which we all went to--Hawaiian/Cajun themed, they had an open bar which served primarily fru-fru rum and coconut drinks--and Heineken.

My personal hell. Yours too!

So I downed a couple of each and tried to enjoy myself. But you can see I didnt quite take anything very seriously that night.

PS: The singer from Tower of Power was there :headbang:
Tyler: good luck with the surgery!!!! :)
Let us know how it went, and I'm allowing you to take another pic after the surgery again, without your shirt on and stuff.... you know,
since I'm allowing you to do so....

Will do. I should be coherent enough to engage in some Internet lingo sometime tomorrow.

I'll be extremely doped up the first couple days, so we'll see. 2:20 I go under the knife today.
