post your sexy pics here

I just like mine, because it always works. There's no battery to die, no internet to run out, no cords, cables, it's just nice, I always find I write better on it, it feels more comfortable. It's probably a mental thing haha.

It's really quite something--much like listening to vinyl records. The act of typing on the typewriter manifests a sort of muse beyond anything the computer blips and pixels can emulate. Sit down with a bottle of wine, and as midnight rolls around, the magic begins to happen.

Bukowski smashed his IBM.
So surgery went fine. Not as doped up as I'd hoped, but I'll fix that later on. ;)

Damn anesthesiologist took 3 tries and 3 different veins to get it to stick. I swear he missed the first time when trying the back of my hand, then did it again there, which only felt like he was tearing it off. I hate that.

Guess when I became conscious again, I was hitting on all the nurses, so they moved me to my own private room.

My voice is gone, my throat hurts from the tube down my throat during surgery, and my nose won't stop bleeding (I have gauze covering my face). Have a ton of packing in there too. Other than that, I'm feelin' okay. Get the packing removed early tomorrow morning, then hopefully I'll feel a little better.
So surgery went fine. Not as doped up as I'd hoped, but I'll fix that later on. ;)

Damn anesthesiologist took 3 tries and 3 different veins to get it to stick. I swear he missed the first time when trying the back of my hand, then did it again there, which only felt like he was tearing it off. I hate that.

Guess when I became conscious again, I was hitting on all the nurses, so they moved me to my own private room.

My voice is gone, my throat hurts from the tube down my throat during surgery, and my nose won't stop bleeding (I have gauze covering my face). Have a ton of packing in there too. Other than that, I'm feelin' okay. Get the packing removed early tomorrow morning, then hopefully I'll feel a little better.

Glad your back and recovering, Tyler! Hitting on the nurses. lol! Naughty!
I have only one vein that's obvious in my arm, so anytime I need an injection or donate blood they always hit the exact same spot. better than having em stick me over and over though.

The wife is partly anemic so she can't donate blood.

My little brother in law had a surgery on his spine (scoliosis real bad) this past year and he 'accidentally' dropped his pills on the floor so the nurse would bend over and pick them up. And he's only 13. He's awesome.