post your sexy pics here

urahomo said:
Awwww, what tha fuck mang. You took the sexah picture down!!! How could you do such a thing?

BTW, fat bitches must be kept in check. If we start telling them they are "pretty" and "special on the inside," fatness will continue to be rampant. We must seclude and alienate these people until all the females left are skinny and sexy. Plus it will help the world, eliminating chubby girls can help curb food shortages, an event bound to happen. Although I do show mercy to chubby women who post pics of their cooch, or... lose a shitload of weight. Have a nice day.

most of the women here are cute as fuck, whether you deem them "fat" or not....

on another note, go smoke a shotgun mother fucker.
LoonInDaSpoon said:
man, you are clever!
You gave me a great idea to look into her files, and look: Miss Dead Lioness did not take that picture down... I think this is the best Lioness picture.
the chick got some class...
will you marry us all Lioness?
what's your name anyways...


go make out with the front of a speeding train.
urahomo and loonindaspoon please kill yourselves. You'll never touch let alone have sex with real women. You might have a chance with each other, but save us the horrific image of that union, find something sharp in your respective kitchens and skullfuck yourself to death with them. Cheers.
Necromunchkin said:
urahomo and loonindaspoon please kill yourselves. You'll never touch let alone have sex with real women. You might have a chance with each other, but save us the horrific image of that union, find something sharp in your respective kitchens and skullfuck yourself to death with them. Cheers.

...all that's left to add is: :kickass:
I accidentally found my way into Karen's image directory once.

Then she got mad at me and then I promised to never do it again (but only after a few assassination attempts mind you).
MajestikMøøse said:
I accidentally found my way into Karen's image directory once.

Then she got mad at me and then I promised to never do it again (but only after a few assassination attempts mind you).

I wasn't "mad" I just thought its not polite to do so without permission :cool:
and thanks for the honesty Nico!
GroundXero3k said:
:worship: Goddamn right. Karen doesn't deserve this kind of bullshit.

Is this a sexy/cute pic? My jury says no.

Aaaaahahaha, motherfucker are you serious? Don't be asking fucked up questions like that. Oh yeah, curves for women might help you, especially around the neck area, and chin chunk.
urahomo said:
Aaaaahahaha, motherfucker are you serious? Don't be asking fucked up questions like that. Oh yeah, curves for women might help you, especially around the neck area, and chin chunk.

You're right. I'm one ugly motherfucker.

How about this, for your sake, i'll take the picture down.

Edit: I can't take it down. I cant get a hold of the imageshack people. :erk:

Kiss The Void said:
does your nose bleed when this occurs? :Spin:

haha, no. just get really anxious and nervous.
Don't take it down, GroundXero. Leave it. If people don't like it, it's their problem, not yours. You're a real person. And if urahomo doesn't like it, that's just a bonus. Because he's a fucktard.