post your sexy pics here

LoonInDaSpoon said:

I'm not too kean on the socks man.
Where did that 'Dead Lioness' pic go ?. The one you can see her panties sticking out of those tight pants. That was sexy as fuck and not trashy either.

Oh yeah.... fuck fat people, I can't stand fat people.
when they were kids they probably tried to steal the chubby kid's milk money but got their asses kicked. now they are lashing back at the chubby comunity that humiliated them so many years ago. they are broken shells, dead to the world. and dead inside.
Fat people bashing? Original. You should have a ball with me and my pic then. I rather like that one of Jamie that received such a nasty comment, and what happened to that one of her legs, she's got AWESOME legs! Truly sexy!

This was in Austin last weekend the day after the ND show, me, Paul and Vito hanging out at the Congress St bridge to watch all the bats - bats rule.

NoLordy cares not how large or thin a person is, unless they're over 400 pounds, in which his concerns are their health.

Neal: Glad you're aware.

Sam: Ignore the heathens, you're an attractive young woman.

Karen: Ignore the heathens, they're just jealous that you're modest.

Jamie: Same as Sam. :D
The Greys said:
Where did that 'Dead Lioness' pic go ?. The one you can see her panties sticking out of those tight pants. That was sexy as fuck and not trashy either.

Oh yeah.... fuck fat people, I can't stand fat people.

we dont like you either.
You angered KTV, who is not only pleasantly padded, he is one hell of a fighter. Not like it matters anyway, but it felt fun saying it. Eat the dog dick of Anubis asswipe!
Attractive young lady ye are. Beware the forest trolls, they like to rate women they'd never have a chance with.
Hell yes it is...

I guess I SHOULD post a sexy pic, but not necessarily of me. At least until my PC works next week.

Here you are:
