post your sexy pics here

PS. We may have had our flaws, no one is flawless, but at least Greek Philosophers were already trying to figure out the meaning of life, were as other cultures were still banging rocks to make fire.. Please.
PS. We may have had our flaws, no one is flawless, but at least Greek Philosophers were already trying to figure out the meaning of life, were as other cultures were still banging rocks to make fire.. Please.

Yeah, because Greek philosophy was so far ahead of the Chinese hundred schools of thought.
Yeah, because Greek philosophy was so far ahead of the Chinese hundred schools of thought.

With exeptions of course.
Eastern culture together with the middle eastern culture were on the same level as ancient Greece.

Its just that im stating that if I remember correctly Greek culture started to "evolve" earlier than other cultures. Correct me if im wrong on that one. Im just too damn lazy to open my history books atm.:)
He's just fucking with you. If you want to combat him, you have to get down on his level and say really fucked up things as well.

Right now you're just playing into his hands.
Allergic to coca-cola? What part? The colorants? I've never heard of anyone allergic to coke, but I had a friend who was allergic to Yellow #5 and he used to purposefully drink Mt. Dew to get sent home from school. His face would swell up and he looked like he got into a fight with a hornet's nest. I guess he really hated school.
A lot of the time it'll have to do with the caffeine. I suffer from migraines pretty bad, usually when one's coming on, I can drink a coke and it fixes it. I find the reverse affect when I don't have a migraine.

Coffee and Tea I don't really see it.